honestly cool as hell. Sorry I love secret frozen outposts, please US government let me have this. I can do a whole metroid prime in there.
honestly cool as hell. Sorry I love secret frozen outposts, please US government let me have this. I can do a whole metroid prime in there.
are you using reels? that’s your problem.
yeah, I’ve realised being on my phone a lot is probably a big part of a lot of problems in my life, but because old folks criticized it in such a silly way, it’s hard to genuinely talk about it.
But yeah students are asking shit like “why make art” and this is actually scary as hell.
100%. I don’t think that was an intended consequence but it definitely is happening. People already chose not to think, no they can externalize it to a source that will by default agree with the status quo.
currently in education, genuinely feel like putting students heads through their desks because they think my specialized knowledge can be replicated by a line of code. No I know what you don’t know and that you cheated because this wasn’t in the readings and when you talk it’s clear you didn’t even do those. People are genuinely losing what little critical thinking they had and this is a nightmare.
ok comrades, this is our moment. people’s lives are about to become massively inconvenient and/or they’re about to be in peril, and this is the time where it’s down to us or the out and out fascists. Lay the groundwork now, start saying shit like “our economy should be organized around getting working people the results of their labor.” currently-comfortable people are going to start thinking about how the world works and it’s our job to make sure they want to kill their bosses, not their less privileged neighbors.
in short? alienation from labor+concerns about the afterlife. Basically, people who didn’t have to worry about the harvest coming through next season started to worry about long term things, so the purpose of religion switched more and more to afterlife focus over time. You can see this generally, with Greek mystery cults such as the Eleusinian mysteries, cult of Orpheus and Dionysius, the great gods at Samothrace, and the Korybantes cult down in Crete, as well as the cult of Isis and Serapis coming out of Egypt, the cult of Mithras from Persia, and various levantine revivals around the time of Jesus. No big cults came from further north in Europe, due to the fact that those places were full of simple farmers for the most part until Roman conquest. Worship of animals tends to die out really fast, it’s very easily made to look silly, it can only stay sustained in hunter gatherer groups, sometimes nomads. Solar worship is also more open to fluctuation than you might think, the Greek sun god was mostly worshiped for prophecy, poetry, medicine, laws, and poems, and the Romans didn’t have a major cult for the sun until they imported it from Greece(potentially a minor one but it’s obscure), and the other Italic people’s didn’t have one(the Etruscans do, but he’s connected with the whole of the sky). The sun does it’s job day in day out a lot better than other parts of the world, so why bother propitiating it? Several solar cults kind of catch on in the late empire, but more among the wealthy than the common people. Wind gods get very rarely worshiped, there job is usually subsumed into a weather god’s work, potentially sea god or others. Water gods tend to be a bit of a hold out, as are gods directly tied to land and farming, but push comes to shove they eventually get folded as eschatological concerns overwhelm them. As for why Christianity, unlike the others somehow throws all prior religions out even for those who still work the soil, that’s because Christ is King. But in a more objective tack, it’s the only one of this cults that wasn’t henotheistic, allowing for other gods but centered on one, but strictly monotheistic. And if the old gods get thrown out but the functions they governed keep moving, then either Jesus is the true god or it doesn’t really matter.
We may not have gotten a snowpiercer, but an ice piercer isn’t too far off.
Widening the hole in my pasta spoon as we speak
Oh how thoughtful! We need to save one for the silver legion, whenever they get back
Wow I’m glad I logged back on in time!
We can only dream of being this petty
Nah, protracted war of the Judean people, you revisionist
There were no churches when Christ was around, do you mean the temple in Jerusalem? Anyway the difference between Jesus and Garfield is that Garfield is borrowing from cultural concepts of a cat in a comedic context, more likely than not fake. Jesus is part of the miracle worker, messiah, and religious reformer/restorer movements at that time. Although he could be an amalgam, it makes more sense for him to be at heart at least one guy that inspired all that followed.
It’s best if you treat them like a game you can win, which coincidentally is the worst possible way to start relationships
He’s been fucking with the gop this whole cycle, he’s not bending his knee
I get your point, but how does someone make up for past actions in your moral system? Sure you can’t kill someone but you also can’t unsay something mean. I guess you may see it as a scale, and smaller offenses can be wiped clean, but I still wonder what you think is supposed to happen once someone crosses that line but also sees their evil and regrets it. Obviously this is not relevant to the revolutionary efforts, someone is either useful or not.
Ali express type thing.
I fear someday someone else will have to understand my infinite unsorted pirated book collection. I swear to God I will finish them all