This meme just threatened to undo the last 3 years of daily driving linux, by making me consider going back to windows
This meme just threatened to undo the last 3 years of daily driving linux, by making me consider going back to windows
I know it’s a meme, but I’ve never had this happen to me. What causes this?
Managers hoping genAI will cause the skill requirements (and paycheck demand) of developers to plummet:
Also managers when their workforce are filled with buffoons:
This is such a non-issue
Electricity isn’t free, and neither is it’s impact on your computer hardware. The life expectancy of a circuit may reasonably be approximated as a function of watt-hours. this is why hardware manufactuers test their circuits in ovens: the heat simulates high wattage.
it doesn’t matter if the power drain is low. So long as your computer is on, it’s lifetime watt-hours are constantly ticking down.
Ah yes, the greek hydra of IT. Disable one policy, two more shall take it’s place.
Imagine sentences being any more than n+1 bytes
We’ve come a long way. Once upon a time, It might’ve said “Linux is only free if you don’t value your time.”
guilty until proven innocent, for it is better that the innocent are condemed than for a guilty man go free. And should a trial be warranted, it shall be conducted not by jury, but by a tribunal of like-minded individuals.
they’re live the perfect anti-libral.
I don’t think performative politics is a FOSS community problem. It’s more of an whole Internet problem.
You make good points, but I doubt you’d continue to feel that way if you were a shareholder
It’s always funny to see periodicals talk about Valve like they’re a normal puplicly traded tech company.
Valve is private. That fact alone is neither inherently good, nor bad. What it means though, is that Valve will very likely behave very differently than other companies in the same market. Heck, I very much doubt half life Alyx would exist if they were public. If we get HL3, it will likely be a similar case.
Challenge: Lemmy users must express their shared interests separably from their politics. Difficulty: impossible
…but some nerds are more equal than others.
The virgin bin vs the chad .exe
I thought the UNIX terminal was only capable of 8 colors? How do you print characters in precise colors like this?
As an incurable optimist, I look forward to the day digitally licensed media goes under, and analog media makes its grand return
Valve has proven they will go to great lengths to utterly thwart would-be monopolies that threaten PC gaming (the real reason proton exists). We just need to find a way to convince them that Google is a threat too.
He’s just mad that the Linux community upstaged HURD
you know, I’m begining to think this whole “readiness” idea is completely arbitrary. The same people who today complain about linux’s supposed difficulty, were just fine using their home micro-computer in the 80’s. If you ask me, the only people who are defining what “ready” means, is Microsoft’s marketing department.