• 24 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 14th, 2023

  • Honestly, I’ve been hearing this a lot of reddit and it feels like Russian disinformation to get liberals/Democrats to throw their own stupid Jan 6.

    Post some reliable evidence, and an actual reason why Democrats aren’t talking about this reliable information and I may be convinced. Democrats and Kamala would be the people to champion this information if it were valid since they lost power due to the “cheating”. The fact that they haven’t said anything tells me it’s probably not real.

  • I feel your conflating things with your first point. Yeah a person living in NY is going to make more money than the average american (as you point out with that data you posted), but that doesn’t mean you can’t be poor as in struggling to pay bills, to save for retirement, or to pay for living expenses. By your definition, there’s no poor people in the US, because compared the to world our poor people are very wealthy. My point is, the financially struggling people in New York are more likely to take public transit than the people that are wealthy in New York. Emphasis on more likely because you assumed i meant all lower income people only take public transit (the confusion maybe stemming from my private jet analogy).

    You’re right about large cities will have large populations, but that doesn’t mean that cities want everybody concentrating in certain areas. Providing incentives or disincentives so manage movement is helpful, especially when you have solid alternatives in the form of public transit. The fees aren’t crazy high, and it encourage cost efficient decision making (in terms of better for the city as vehicles are extremely detrimental).

    I would definitely support higher corporate tax rates. A big issue is that congestion pricing is already something a majority of voters are liking and is being implemented. Increased taxes can still be done later.

  • Congestion pricing is a tax levied against the poor? The poor are less likely to be driving wtf. That’s like saying extra taxes on private jets is a tax for preventing the poor from getting private jets: that wasn’t not an issue and is in fact a way of redistributing wealth to lower classes. You don’t need to drive to Manhattan to experience Manhattan in the same way that you don’t need to own a private jet to travel.

    If you have a better way to reduce congestion in Manhattan AND provide additional funds to public transit, feel free to suggest that idea.