I can’t wait for the Dunkey video on this game
I can’t wait for the Dunkey video on this game
We have a long weekend this week, so I’m gonna try to fit as much gaming as I can. Last night I re-played Oxenfree, and today I’ll start on the sequel since I have it included with my Netflix sub. I think that I’m gonna check out more of their catalog of indie games after.
Don’t wanna start out any big games now because I’m dedicating 100% of my time to Sea of Stars when it comes out later this month.
Just glad I’ll finally enjoy my Atmos setup with my PS5.
Heaven Sent is a powerhouse of an episode, in great part to Capaldi’s best performance as the Doctor.
Glad people having different opinions than you makes you laugh!
As for the pretentiousness of the film, you’re really calling a film that for just one scene where you disagreed with the director?
Seems to me like you were expecting a movie about the making of the atom bomb, when the movie was clearly focusing on the life of the man who created it.
I went with someone who’s entire knowledge of Oppenheimer was the Epic Rap Battle video and they were perfectly able to follow the entire story and the multiple location and date changes.
I would like to hear more of your thoughts on why you thought the movie was pretentious.
As for the sound, in my theater everything sounded great, maybe just slightly too loud in some scenes. Could it be just a bad setup?
Finally, I did not find the Trinity test underwhelming in any way. However, I can understand why some people might. However this ties into my first point. The story is not really about the creation of the bomb, but how making it affected the man behind it. Could be just that didn’t work for you while it did for me.
Wouldn’t say no to that either!
Max and Lewis taking each other out for a McLaren 1-2, who says no?
Agreed. Although the resale value was good, I was glad I got rid of my Battlefront II PS4 Pro (for my PS5 of course) because it looked tacky as hell in my living room.
The PS5 is a huge improvement visually, IMO.
Why is it dumb?
Agreed 100%. I’m glad to have been here from the early days, so I have seen the amazing evolution of Memmy to what it is today. I don’t know of any other devs who have done so much in so little time.
I would gladly support a Pro version or at least a Tip Jar!
Some great performances from Andrew Garfield, Liam Neeson and Adam Driver.
Man, I’d totally forgotten about The Last Night. That was such a cool teaser. I just checked out the developer’s Twitter and there really hasn’t been any activity since 2021.
Anyone else have other news?
And actors for other characters too, unfortunately.
I’m OK with it being delayed if it means it’s the same quality as the first season.
However, I am not ready for the discourse about Joel starting again.
Need to be a full bodysuit before I consider it.
Absolutely. I highly recommend both canon Thrawn trilogies by Timothy Zahn.
My favorite book of all time. Hope you’re having fun with it!
I don’t mind Memmy at all, but when you mentioned rebranding, I immediately thought of Artemis.
It’s fun! I recommend playing the sequel immediately after finishing.