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Using the daemon also allows you to transfer faster by removing compression and encryption. It tends to hit the same rclone speeds without the data corruption issues.
“Let’s make the people safe by opening wide a back door so we can go in and disable their stuff. Of course no malicious party will ever want to use that access”
Are you using the *arr apps? https://wiki.servarr.com/
Same thing is happening to me on iPad OS’ Safari. Trying to come from sub.rehab, I had to login on any link coming from there. Refreshing usually didn’t work. The only think that I have here besides base Safari is AdGuard, which I hope it is not interfering or the instance is serving things that are ad-like
It is not free. You pay with your email address AND phone number.
I’m sure you liked it, as I’m sure a bunch of people legitimately did.
What I’m saying is that I think most people saw Fury Road because of societal pressure due to a very small minority propping up the movie. I went to see it and found the movie to be an incredibly unsatisfying story about a FEDEX delivery that ended in the starting point. Useless.
I thought I was crazy reading so many people liked it, but now this gives support to my personal opinion.
This gives credence to my mental canon that Fury Road wasn’t that really well liked and just a product of an extremely heavy campaign by a very small minority of people that liked it. If not, why not come for what could be considered the sequel?
At least for me, Fury Road was the first and last Mad Max film I’ll see.
“You can’t expect pears out of an elm tree” or “No le pidas peras al olmo”
Florida Republicans already have hinted to a new Fetal Personhood bill if the abortion amendment passes to upend the election results.
They have experience doing this. They have other sets of bills to dilute the marihuana amendment too.
Nice try, Nintendo.
I’ve had some level of success using “gluetun” as the host of the container you want to hit, for any container outside of gluetun’s network mode.
Then, for those that are sharing the gluetun network, they can communicate using their regular hostname but using the internal port instead of the published one.
Out of all my containers behind gluetun I have only one that hasn’t been able to connect with anything but IPs
He’s starting his career as a future Republican presidential candidate early in life. He’s an overachiever 🥹🥹
I yield. Thanks for the information!
I’m sorry my response came out pedantic, it was not my intention. But I stand by my comment. Asbestos hasn’t been fully banned in USA.
Notice how much work the “new uses” is doing in that sentence.
Some articles on it:
Even though asbestos is known to cause deadly diseases, the U.S. still allows companies to import hundreds of tons of the raw mineral. It is primarily used by two chemical manufacturers, OxyChem and Olin Corp., in the production of chlorine
The EPA has missed some legislative deadlines to enact the ban but says it will finalize the regulation by October.
(Deadline they missed, again)
Well, asbestos are not banned and they are actually pretty toughly regulated. So maybe find a better analogy.
That’s what taxes are for. Tax the sh*t out of cigarettes to account for the increased public health spending. Banning a substance is not the only, neither the best, solution to addiction.
TGIF’s quality, the only thing they had going on for them, took a nosedive in the last decade or so. This was meant to happen, it actually lasted longer than what I expected.
Outback Steakhouse is the next one on my list to fill for bankruptcy.