I literally just came here about to post looking for these recommendations. Haven’t listened to a lot of punk in my life, my Nazi-punching playlist only has DK and RatM. Thank you so much.
I literally just came here about to post looking for these recommendations. Haven’t listened to a lot of punk in my life, my Nazi-punching playlist only has DK and RatM. Thank you so much.
I think you can actually outsource RAM to Google drive or w/e if you want. Problem is you just shift the bottleneck from RAM to network speed
Chaotic Good +, I usually end up making a bookmark at my desk by folding and taping paper or a post-it
Viewtiful Joe is definitely one that should get the treatment
Made one that matches very closely if anyone is interested
Unrelated note, does anyone have access to a copy of UHC Sans and UHC serif font files? The only place i can find them is corporat-only
Tbf the comment about the memorial architects having a hard-on for Greek shit was spot on. She said roman but point stands
Ah, little Bobby Tables we call him
And then they came for me.
My landlady texts like that. But I think she’s just speed typing or dictating and not at all reading it before hitting send. The guy who lives in the back does the same, but I think that one’s on the drugs
Ooo, another Ubisoft game I can not spend my money on. Always enjoy a chance to financially give them as much of a middle finger as I can
“If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you may be entitled to compensation…”
I’m doing stealth hacker right now, 5th playthrough.
I usually hack nearby objects rather than the people themselves. Other people have already noted bringing trace down with memory wipe or sonic shock, but I usually don’t hack the people at all. Catch is the approach I use needs throwing knives or a silenced pistol. Preferably knife, since it triggers detection a lot less. Distract with a CHOOH2 tank, then overload it when they have it right in front of their face. Distract from line of sight to sneak up on people and take them down. Lure them in front of traps like falling crates using Bait or nearby distractions like lights. When there’s no hack ables nearby or convenient, the knife comes into play.
Bottom line is directly hacking enemies is either a race against time with some tools to reset the race or an endgame strat. Other hacks and I think a perk or two provide ways to do reset trace, and AOE perks and hacks can make the trace progress moot if you kill everyone fast enough, but if you want to go slow and stealthy, you’ll need to be more crafty and indirect with your strats. Use mostly covert hacks as distractions, with some combat hacks in your pocket for if things go south.
Make sure you do a ton of side content like NCPD scanner jobs, gigs, psychos, etc. That will net you the eds and parts to keep your cyberdeck upgraded. You’ll be using ultimate quick hacks in no time.
Side note: the Araasaka deck slows trace progress. Good choice if you want to stay under the radar
In the musical The Sound of Music, these are the pronunciations used. “Doe: a deer, a female deer… Far: a long, long way to run, Sew: a needle pulling thread… Tea: a drink with jam and bread…” etc. I think the song is called Do-Re-Mi and Julie Andrews’ accent makes them make sense.
Maybe it’s just been a while for me but what part was this? I dont remember a section like that off the top of my head.
22 instruments is quite impressive. It’s a modest job, but a school’s band director or instructor could be within reach. High schools and colleges would likely pay best. You can also try private primary and middle schools. Provate schools will have high standards, but could pay more. Also possibly a music producer. I don’t think AI will ever really eliminate music made by people, no matter how good it gets. Session musicians can do pretty well once a reputation gets created, but that would probably be more a long-term investment. I’m not sure what you’ve done musically, but a mic and audio card/receiver plus sailing the high seas for software is a cheap way to get into making your own music.
There’s also getting a different job until the music tree bears fruit. I’m not doing what I want yet, but I’ve worked my way high enough in my company that, hopefully soon, I’ll be able to get back to what I actually want to do (engineering). It’s frustrating, but having a future goal that I’m working towards and steps I can take once I’m making enough helps make it bearable.
I would hold onto Charlotte if at all possible. If you love and take care of her, you’re a good person for her to be with. Pets can be our rocks, without which it is easy to be swept away by despair. Your career status has nothing to do with being “worthy” of a pet. Love and basic necessities are what they need. That said, i get where you’re coming from. I’m waiting to get a cat until I know for sure I can afford and have certain furniture after my recent move. But again, having that goal helps me slog through the stuff I don’t like. You already have her, and I think losing her would likely be a terrible outcome for both of you.
You are worthy of her, you are worthy of love from others, and you are worthy of love from yourself. Godspeed.
Tbf i think it’s because he’s at the apex of his jump (like 6in off the ground lol) so the gut kind of shifted up as he came back down. Doesn’t make the image any less absurd, but it came to mind when I didn’t even recognize the dude. I think the same thing is happening to his jowls in the photo. Either way the man-child is ridiculous. And so is the other one.
Encino Man 2: Neolithic Boogaloo
I can already see those gauntlets flapping
Bring in the fem- BOOOOTS