Agree wholeheartedly with the sentiment but just so everyone’s aware, this was originally “A cure for insomnia”.
Gentle nerd freak of the pacific northwest. All nation states are vermin.
Agree wholeheartedly with the sentiment but just so everyone’s aware, this was originally “A cure for insomnia”.
Its very possible to enrich corrupt elites without taking an axe to the US’s strategic position. That would be preferable for securing the wealth of the ruling class in the future.
Of course they want to make the rich richer, but this level of systemic destruction isn’t the most efficient way to do that. The damage is clearly part of the goal.
Part of me thinks this is so they have an easy way to drop prices after people get used to everything costing more, but I’m sure it’s mostly just trying to destroy the the US’s relationship with it’s most important allies.
Zuckerberg told employees he would no longer be as transparent due to leaks. “We try to be really open and then everything I say leaks,” he said. “It sucks."
Every time I tell someone about my evil plans, they act like a hero. I’m going to have to lie more about my evil plans. It sucks.
Nothing says guilty as clearly as getting help from trump.
I feel like a plate could withstand a knife stab
As a klutz who grew up without a dishwasher I can tell you it cannot.
To expect any company to not steal is foolish. All development builds on previously proven ideas.
A little from column A and a little from column B
If only Dick Carlson was still alive, we could send 3 generations of grifters through the same guillotine.
This is what it looks like when some of the richest minds that russia can buy brainstorm ways to damage the US.
The reason for doing this is specifically because it’s so damaging to the US. Surprise surprise, a government hand picked by an adversary is intentionally destructive.
Well google maps can fuck right off, the cowards. What are everyone’s recommendations for alternatives?
Capitalism can’t innovate.
The amount of americans this will kill would demand retaliation if putin had used kinetic warfare instead.
good (inclusive) leadership
That’s a neurological impossibility and we don’t gain anything by pretending otherwise.
whenever there’s a group of people together, someone will be the leader
You have a friend who’s always exerting their will over everyone else? This is thankfully not my experience.
Hierarchy has definitely infected our lives and thinking to a sickening extent. People pursuing power for what they see as good is the problem. Trying to influence what the power-hungry see as good is a fools errand because the effect that power has on the brain means “good” will always become “good for me” as you gain power.
The only way to a better world is people rejecting the self destructive desire to stand above. We need stories and social infrastructure that works towards that goal.
The article is very upfront about those details - that quote is right below the headline.
At no point does it claim or imply that renewables are ready to provide 100% of the state’s energy. It clearly explains that this is a new record, never saying more than that.
Your tone is needlessly aggressive and you’re accusing the article of misrepresenting something it never tried to represent in the first place.
If you’re honestly not trolling, your post looks unfortunately similar to trolling.
I imagine it would make fake-account-driven influence operations much harder, and it might drive down total online time.
I wonder what kind of performance bonus the republicans earn from putin if they can pressure the world’s 5th largest economy to leave the US.
Creating memes mocking them is not ignoring. Encourage people not to buy from amazon or post on facebook instead.
It’s worth remembering that immigrants commit fewer crimes than citizens and are more economically productive.
Not only should we act against these ICE raids because they’re inhuman fascist theatre, but because the make the country less safe and poorer.