“Britannia rules the waves…”
“Britannia rules the waves…”
According to some people on the fediverse, the Kagi forum thread that is linked in the toots I posted above and seemingly nowhere else.
From a non political standpoint: I tried Kagi last year and it was ok but I didn’t get the big deal. And because I’m not in the US but the UK if you try searching where’s my nearest garage or stay the nearest result came up as 150 miles away. So it’s one of those things I’ll maybe return to it once it’s developed a bit more
The definitive Doctor for me. Growing up during the wilderness years and VHS and UK Gold repeats were what we had to go on I loved both the earlier ‘horror’ seasons and the more humorous ones with the Romanas.
Wonderful actor.
Ace and the 7th Doctor were the first Doctor Who I saw - her beating up a Dalek with a baseball bat is my favourite companion moment ever from all of Who!
The sources I find are solely from mastodon threads, and date from this month and the Brave thing. This is the best thing I’ve found
Find the nearest English Civil War reenactment and go watch it
Rick is just 12 having some downtime
God’s sake. I mean… At least he’s apologising? I could imagine some of our recent lot doubling down on this and refusing to give in to wokeness blah blah blah…
But yeah. I’m really trying hard to be charitable cos it’s Christmas and everything. That’s not really pleasant stuff to hear from the guy who is in charge of the Police (over 1,100 under investigation for sexual assault or domestic violence atm)
Love his Thursday Next books to bits!
It depends on the game, character etc. I mean I suppose it adds to the escapism slightly?
I play all sorts of different games though, some where you’re not given the choice (Life Is Strange for example) and I don’t feel like it’s that big a deal
I finished Consider Phlebas on my commute - I still don’t rank it quite as highly as the others but it came to life more at the end. My favourite bit was when Horza was trapped on the cannibal cult island. Completely irrelevant to the plot but some excellent wtf storytelling!
I only noticed this comment now, I’ve been reading the Culture series too - I enjoyed the world building in Consider Phlebas a lot but after a while I just wanted it to finish. So I skipped on and read a few others in the series then came back to finish it.
The Player Of Games was brilliant, enjoy!
I mean yeah, I’ve been unemployed for a significant part of my working life. I guess you can also add to my list being the last generation encouraged to get a degree by well meaning parents and teachers at school ‘because it will guarantee you getting a job for life’.
I’ve been reading The Culture series by Iain M Banks. I gave up on the first book a while back, which I’ve heard is quite common, but I plan to go back and finish it.
I’ve just read The Player Of Games and Excession and both are exceptional.
I had no idea of this - I just googled it and it’s almost exactly like something out of the book.
I really enjoyed Yellowface, it’s a great read and a bit of a black comedy in places!
Definitely as a millennial I’m of the last generation that will remember arranging to meet up somewhere in advance and sticking to that plan (or rearranging over landline with more than a day’s notice…)
But something I’ve noticed when I ask people in my team what their dream jobs are the younger people tend to say ‘run their own businesses’, ‘work for themselves’ etc. Whereas in our generation (in my circles anyway) that definitely wasn’t so prominent. Maybe a side effect of seeing influencers making it big?
Awful layout… Some interesting stuff when you can actually find the articles though
That’s great! Since most of the people I play with are scattered geographically we play with the app and I actually learned via the app before getting a chance to play it on the table. It’s definitely a game where a lot of thought has been put into the tutorials