The DNC is bad. I said it again. The DNC is really not great. There once more. They are not nearly as bad as what’s going on in the current administration though. If that statement is “defending the DNC” then you have lost all perspective.
The DNC is bad. I said it again. The DNC is really not great. There once more. They are not nearly as bad as what’s going on in the current administration though. If that statement is “defending the DNC” then you have lost all perspective.
To clarify, I don’t think any of us are winning. They made the claim that Biden was just sitting and back and watching. I’m asserting, using their same claim, that the alternative is worse, while also making fun of the fact that watching someone fight a bear and not helping is objectively terrible. Do you really think this analogy makes Biden/the DNC out to be a great people?
You made the claim. I continued by pointing out that the alternative is WAY worse using your same claim. Are you really this obtuse in real life? Or just on the internet?
I’m not the one that made the claim. I’m merely carrying on the anaolgy. Read what I replied to you jackwagon.
Man I really wish you guys elected Harris or Joe Biden to sit back and watch this happen…
This is you. You said this. You made the claim like mere minutes ago.
Do you understand how Senators are elected? The VAST majority of DNC voters didn’t vote for Pelosi or Schumer because they aren’t in their districts.
Maybe pay attention to the road so you don’t accidentally drive your tank into those civilians, again.
Yep the DNC isn’t great but it’s far better then actively feeding the country to the oligarchy. Go fuck youself with the BoTh SiDeS bullshit.
I’d rather have someone watch me fight a bear then have them help the bear by shooting me, and the rest of my family, repeatedly while I fight it. So yeah really would’ve been a lot better.
There would be so many weird egg posts on social media. Could you imagine how horrible “influencers” would be that do extravagant gender reveals if they had an egg to display?
Also weird egg porn would be a thing which I preemptively find rather disturbing.
Also un-ionized as a hyphen (which you used when writing it) and unionized doesn’t. Which is probably why you, and most chemists, would read it as unionized as well.
I think at 120GB that is the with media version. You can also get a medialess version as well. There’s a wiki for how to download wikipedia if you want more info:
I do NOT freebase cocaine.
You mean Encounter at Farpoint? Or is that just some reference I’m missing. I’m not gonna rule out starting a war over Encounter at Farpoint at some point in the furture though, if for no other reason than the sheer irony.
No not really. It does the various services for the most part, but Active Directory is exclusively a Microsoft product. Group Policy in particular also does not have a drop in replacement that’s any sort of sane.
You screwed up your closing parentheses on the first link. Just a heads up.
Tim Poole is so inconsistent with his own opinions that he regularly contradicts himself within the same thought. It’s incredibly cringe inducing and wildly frustrating to even hate listen to his show. He also does some really blaringly racist cherry picking for topics and constantly pushes the “crime is out of control” narrative with only anecdotal evidence. I utterly hate his show and wish he would actually face some repercussions for his Russian payoff (he won’t but I wish he would).
If you voted it’s the Democrats fault. If you didn’t vote it’s your fault.
Also, unless your plan is to exclusively export to the US, then it’s less cost effective to open up new facilities in the US. You just raise prices and and have the consumers take the hit for the tariff. There’s also the problem of logistics for raw materials for whatever products your manufacturing. Those also tend to cost more to acquire stateside.
The worst part is that policy is only a single bullet in the policy foot gun Trump has loaded. It gets even more expensive when the low cost labor is suddenly deported and/or put in camps. Which I realize isn’t even the worst thing about the immigration policy, but just pointing out that it too has consequences to these same people.
A bunch of enterprise services are Windows only. Also Active Directory is by far the best and easiest way to manage users and computers in an org filled with a bunch of end users on Windows desktops. Not to mention the metric shitload of legacy internal asp applications…
Sure. Maybe they just kneecap you while you’re fighting the bear? I’m not sure that really flows from the above conversation though and kinda feel like you’re saying I’m brainless cause I didn’t go far enough with my bear fight analogy… Which seems a little extreme considering I equated them to someone that would just watch you get mauled by a bear and do nothing.