Ratfuckery of the highest order.
Ratfuckery of the highest order.
Well they don’t call it a swordfish for nuthin’!
The dirty ourobouros.
That’s a fair stance to have. I guess it’s not for everyone.
My wife and I have a system that works for us. I do the food shopping and clean up, and she does the cooking (the woman is a sauceress).
Shopping happens on saturday (sometimes pre-cooking prep too), cooking on sunday. We cook two meals and have it throughout the week. Sometimes we’ll freeze some of what we cook using souper cubes (for soups, stews, and chili).
You can do it! You just have to get into the routine of it.
They can probably hear the awwws from halfway around the world.
Free (as in freedom) open source software
Confirmed Slide no longer works either and unistalled it from my phone. So long reddit, it was fun (but utimately misguided of me to invest time/attention towards it).
Hello Lemmy, you hot new thing!
I’d like to see some sort of export/import functionality as well. Instances will come and go, and it would suck for people on those to just lose their stuff with out having a way to back up/restore it.
This is least painful/scary way for them to die. It’d be an instantaneous death.
High pressure under water does weird things
I wonder how it’d be if I substituted the peaches with fig slices (or some other non-peach fruit) I’m not crazy about peaches