To all the upvoters: Average disillusioned leftie here.
Saying “I won’t support Biden in the primary.” is not the same as "i sTILl not goNna vOtE”.
I do not want ANY GOP to win any power, ever, anywhere.
We were saved by the young vote in the midterms and Biden has almost entirely lost those voters. Like it or not Biden is deeply unpopular. And I believe Biden would likely lose to Trump.
So how is pleading for a candidate from the DNC who stands a better chance at winning against the GOP an irrational position?
Please reexamine your politics - I am not your enemy.
I would start (if you havent already) with an introduction to CS. You can take CS50 for free online - https://cs50.harvard.edu/x/2025/.
I dont think they cover much C# (I took the 2020 course and they didnt) but they do introduce you to C, C++, Python, html, etc. They provide github codespaces available for anyone for free, so you can complete the weekly labs and problem sets offered in the course. It really is a good jumping off point.