“I can’t believe how nice everyone was!”
Tbh it would be pretty amazing to me too to see people not being wantonly heartless to anyone they havent known for years like is the norm in england
very gay, very trans, very communist and vegan
im like milk white
“I can’t believe how nice everyone was!”
Tbh it would be pretty amazing to me too to see people not being wantonly heartless to anyone they havent known for years like is the norm in england
Why does marge look like a properly done version with clean straight lines but the rest of the family’s all sketched out?
Also why are the flags copypasted?
Lisa’s always been an incredibly pro war neoliberal
Its going to be so funny when this guy just dies in a car crash or something and all this eternal life stuff is all for nothing
If you’re unironically a fully grown adult and The Inbetweeners is your favourite show ever all i hear from your mouth when you talk about it is “i am a googoo gaga baby googoo gaga i like the funny show where they say shag and bender and wanker googoo gaga i peaked in sixth form googoo gaga”
The thing i always notice is how weirdly thin the lines get at points and sort of just disappear into nothing
“Well congratulations, you got yourself caught, now what’s the next step of your master plan?”
“Crashing this plane, with no survivors”
Hope the tits follow suit but nips for now is decent progress
Six weeks of monoing E’s made my nips fat as fuck and also turned me into a soy liberal who cries watching sad films
Fat maxxing rn to try and move away from my tiny twink body to actually gain the hrt benefits properly
No they like it because the directirs homophobic
More news like this please
Current fedi hell discourse is that trans women saying “kill all men” is transphobic bcs some men are trans men and so now there’s a crusade by libshit tenderqueers against anyone they’ve labelled as a “TIRF” and people claiming that being mean to men on the internet is just as bad as patriarchal violence against women was in the early 20th century
Fedi sucks so bad
UKucked TERF gay guys will make a whole thing of “when you use the word queer you’re calling me a slur”, like mf im out here calling myself a removed removed
Sent a message to a trans person i vaguely know irl about like wanting to meet up ask her some things but she left me on delivered. idk, it is what it is ig
Already unironically met like two of them, its surprisingly common despite this being an edit
Shotput man save me saev me shotput man
been less online for quite a while, life seems to be getting better for me ig, but like i think its still too soon to tell whether this newfound contentment will be a long term thing or not. In case you still want to talk i’ll dm you my matrix
My ex-uncle had like three or four and ngl he was pretty good at managing it all for decades so no one knew until it suddenly all fell apart five or six years ago