Damn. My 8 month old bit me.
Damn. My 8 month old bit me.
I would just get a 1x2 board and screw it on the back. Or onto the legs.
There have only been like 5 human wild boar deaths in the US in the past 200 years: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/26/us/texas-woman-killed-feral-hogs.html
The owner is a doctor, but they went to evil medical school. I’ve heard his firing practices are pretty harsh too, just drops people with no warning.
I understand the viewpoint, but the alternative is that disabled people get hired way less or not at all. A real solution would be to reduce our dependence on capitalism or something, but that’s not likely.
I had 8 weeks fully paid through use of accrued PTO. 8 weeks is about the minimum of paternity leave necessary to kind of get your life back into order imo. This isn’t a vacation, it’s taking full care of a little person that needs help every 2-3 hours. If both you and your partner work it would be impossible without leave just due to sleep depravation. Our first kid was (is still 4 years later) a terrible sleeper and the first few months were hell. Luckily our second is actually a better sleeper than the first right now and she’s only 8 months old lol.
But yes, 12 weeks paternity is not a vacation, it is work. Plan for 12 weeks and if you think that you have everything sorted then great, go back. But daycare might be more than what you would make going back to full pay so just consider that too.
Maybe once they are done solving imaginary problems they will work on real ones.
I don’t mind disagreements of opinions, but when we start having disagreements about reality that’s when I disengage.
Yes, will someone please think of the shareholders?
Epigenetics. But that’s not as cool as whatever Assassin’s Creed is.
Honestly asking: what other way would anyone suggest to bring back outsourced manufacturing jobs?
Probably with some sort of long term plan instead of randomly turning sweeping tariffs on and off.
I basically bought my first (only) house for 0 money down with first time homebuyers stuff. Ya I had to pay mortgage insurance for a while but my mortgage payment is less than what it would be to rent the same house by like, a lot.
Turns two very good breeds into a mystery box. The breeders claim that they are hypoallergenic, which is not guaranteed, and they claim that they don’t need to be groomed, but they usually do. Most reputable breeders don’t breed them so they are usually in worse health than pure bred dogs from a reputable breeder for more money.
Basically, they are a scam. The puppies sure are cute though.
Their website is still up https://www.originalprongles.lol/
I wouldn’t want my streamer to talk about current politics. I’m there to escape that talk. It’s the same reason I’m not subscribed to any political communities, if I want that news I’ll go to all.
The real problem is that the paper clips were on backwards.
People anthropomorphize dogs too much. If anyone has seen a working dog do their job as a puppy with 0 training they might reconsider the dogs that were bred to fight.
My dog was also attacked by a pitbull at a dog park. My dog would have died if the pitbull bit just a little bit further in, its jaws were clamped onto my dogs neck skin. It took two full grown men and me gouging its eyes for about 2 minutes before it would release. My dog’s transgression to provoke the other dog? Smelling its butt one time.
I run a whole ghost server. Not on this account, but it’s a hobby one without too much news and I don’t want to just post my own stuff all the time.
Some of them are in it for the love of the game. For whatever reason I get a shit load of spam calls to my work phone and sometimes I’ll fuck with them. I can’t remember what I was telling this dude, but he started slurring his words and I asked him if he was ok and if he had any plans for the weekend. I hung up like a minute later and the dude called me back. I just asked him why and he was like “I dunno lol”.