No, I wasn’t looking for a debate, I was just posting my unpopular opinion, you know, like how the sub is meant for?
I don’t care what you use, as long as you have fun. To me, I use both, but I find controller to be easier solely based on the barrier of entry like how I commented elsewhere.
I don’t care about competitiveness, form factor, or anything else everyone seems to assume I care about. I know about aim assist too and I know it works, I know it’s in games that allow players to use controllers, however does it really matter? All I care about is ease of access. If I were to want to play a DM of any games, on mouse and keyboard, I’d have to warm up my hands, or crack my knuckles and loosen them up a bit, practice aim training and everything. On controller, it’s pick up and play.
Based solely on ease of access, I find controllers to be better.
I can’t stand gyro aim so I can’t speak for that