Until MARS accepts its destiny as our beautiful 53RD STATE and supplies us with its precious turbinium ore, the White House has no choice but to place more TARIFFS on the Red Planet
Captain, if these readings are correct… the temporal distortion has stranded us in the late capitalist era
Desensitizing people to having no privacy from their own state and ‘local’ corporations will do that
gimp has done everything I’ve needed it to for many years. Now that I have a pen tablet, Krita is growing on me
First they came for the “terrorists”, and I didn’t speak out, for the definition of terrorism hadn’t yet expanded to encompass me
Dying on patsoc hill to hold an incursion of disabled people at bay
deleted by creator
I hope they wake up exhausted every day after dreaming endlessly of fleeing angry guillotine-bearing crowds who keep finding them
What about disabled people?
I have a processing delay that makes operating a car feel way too abrupt and terrifying to me, so I’ve never had a license, I have always biked and bused. Not that I have ever been able to afford a car, I would be terribly vulnerable in a place where you absolutely need one. A cluster of hidden disabilities that make exploiting your labor unprofitable by a thousand cuts has a special sort of stigma attached to it, and it’s a special sort of mindfuck to gradually break free of the cloud of eugenicist denial you were raised under and see it for what it is.
I wonder if that isn’t a privilege of hegemony. The US has had a lot of freedom to spin its failings as it pleases because there is so little penetration of foreign narratives there (inoffensive puppets and vassals not included) to compete, whereas ‘rogue’ countries can have a colour revolution on their hands if they aren’t extra careful how they spin their affairs. It’s understandable if disappointing if they conclude silence is best on certain matters.
I have the impression that currently China’s narrative control is less vulnerable than in the past, but still vulnerable, and that the US bubble is less impervious than in the past, but still intact. It would make sense to me, given that history and backdrop, that Chinese narrative managers would be getting comfortable with their growing range of motion slowly and carefully.
global village"
I remember that phrase being used to describe the web in the '90s
And the writers who killed K’Ehleyr. She was so cool
I was wanting to put businessmen at constant risk of being jailed by regulators