It’s not though. Even though we’d prefer a different candidate, everyone who isn’t a complete moron has at least agreed that we’re gonna stick with Biden because he’s better than the alternative and it’s not even close.
It’s not though. Even though we’d prefer a different candidate, everyone who isn’t a complete moron has at least agreed that we’re gonna stick with Biden because he’s better than the alternative and it’s not even close.
You have to put the instance name if you want to search for a user. I just did the same search on voyager for dubyakay@lemmy.ca and it went straight to their profile.
Otherwise yeah, the search probably defaults to only users on your server.
I thought so too, but then I tried it and I really hated it. If you find yourself getting recommended a bunch of clickbaity videos, then maybe it would be something you’d like, but I tend to block those types of creators so I don’t really see them, so all dearrow ever did for me was make the titles and thumbnails of some of the videos I normally would watch really boring and bland. I trust someone like Tom Scott or Smartereveryday to not use their titles and thumbnails to lie to me to fool me into watching their videos, and since those were the only types of creators that were being affected by dearrow for me, I found it worse when seeing their videos in my recommended list. I personally don’t mind watching a video titled “Why Blue LEDS were really hard to create” instead of seeing something like “This video is about how different colored LEDS were created” with some bland screenshot showing an assembly line of lights or whatever.
I’ve been pirating media for the last 2 decades or more, and shows have always been available within minutes of when they were released. Copying a stream might be easier than setting up a capture card and recording a broadcast, but the wait time hasn’t really changed all that much.
Not just spam, but really shitty spam too. My Lemmy viewer of choice doesn’t even allow for the viewing of profiles, so I wouldn’t even know how to get to “her” page if I wanted to.
I consider this a good thing for multiple reasons.
Is this the first time you’ve ever been exposed to humor?
The good news is neither do they.
The Nintendo Switch Pro was sent back to House of Fraser in January
Dude had the only Switch Pro in existence and he got rid of it? He deserves the pants.
I hate it when my job gets loose.
Wouldn’t that mean it’s a popular opinion and the downvote was warranted?
Don’t make it weird, man, just fume without trying to work out whatever sex kink you have going on. This isn’t the place.
Stay mad, little guy.
And you won’t even know when or even if you succeed
The book reports you keep throwing up in response beg to differ.
Yeah, nothing says “I’m not mad” more than multiple replies that are several paragraphs long.
Keep coping though.
Oh yeah. Ran through a ton of that. My nephews both have it on quest and it does seamless cross play compatibility with them. I was so impressed. The voice chat and multiplayer just work flawlessly.
How devoid of value is your life that you let a couple of meaningless downvotes get you this bent out of shape?
I will give you credit for creativity for somehow claiming victory because you managed to let so many people piss you off so many times.
Can you whine about it some more though, this is oh so much fun!
Ah, now you’ve got me in a dilemma. On the one hand, I’d love to never spend another second of my life dealing with your idiocy, but on the other hand it’s so much fun (and really fuckin easy) to piss off someone as dumb as you are by just typing a couple of words.
Decisions, decisions.
For the record, I only downvoted you because of the multiple edits whining about being downvoted.
That’s like watching porn with your parents level of cringe right there.
That’s definitely not true. Just yesterday I was eating a salad (with chicken and bacon and cheese even) and I had an older coworker pass by and grumpily tell me he didn’t eat rabbit food.