Glad to see all the new signups. What’s going on y’all?
Mid 30’s IT/Medical Device support and quality guy. I like cycling, video games, and singing.
Glad to see all the new signups. What’s going on y’all?
Atomizers can be easily made from nichrome wire. If you can’t get it direct, guitar strings can be a source of wire after burn off.
This is the kind of useful information I would expect from someone with handle like @machinist@lemmy.world.
But seriously, I cannot believe how much those prices are in Oz for cigarettes.
Hey, great stuff! I just subscribed on AntennaPod. I’m going to give it a listen on my way to work tomorrow.
I mean, I partied. But, I am weird.
Sure, I’ll bite. I generally agree about the west side market expect for the general local business support. That’s why I do like occasionally going there.
As an Ohioan, I am not upset about this.
I love your normal weird knife Wednesdays but I appreciate your sharing this. Thank you.
Here’s hoping. crosses fingers
I played both so maybe I’m confusing the rulesets but I thought it was Civ V. Totally possible I am wrong though.
If you want something Civ 5-like on mobile, check out Unciv. Its an open source and using Civ 5 as a template. https://yairm210.itch.io/unciv
This thing reads reads like the the person in the middle of the disagreement trying to broker peace.
Congrats! Do you use Android Auto? If so, how does it work for you without Google play?
Cleveland area as well.
Good. Probably in Medina county having the time of their lives.
Any chuds out there intimidating people? My wife was considering doing it early at the BoE.
Is the Justice Department planning an exposé on water being wet next?