Knowing Google they’ll get bored with it in a year or two
Knowing Google they’ll get bored with it in a year or two
Stockholm syndrome
I feel like a pop would be more extreme?
Tech bubble is deflating, high interest rates are probably also a culprit
Biden is the most pro labor president in decades.
Even better: petition for Microsoft to release the Windows source code under the GPL
If you are poor enough you can qualify for Medicaid (MediCal in California) which is a sort of limited health insurance. This is life saving for poorer families and most of the time completely covers birth costs. After birth in some states they even offer follow up plans from nurses for assistance with food and meal plans for babies and toddlers.
Even if you don’t qualify you can apply for financial aid which I believe is required to be offered in every public hospital even to people whether citizens or not. If not you can just take on the debt and not pay, which destroys your credit score but after long enough you might be offered a favorable financing or a discount… Only after being harassed by collections for months if not years.
Source: not American but I’ve worked with American healthcare workers interpreting for Spanish.
You lump us with fascists. “Scratch a liberal a fascist bleeds” has to be one of the most ridiculous things ever said. We’re not your enemies! Democratic socialists are in the Democrat party in America. Social Liberals and Social Democrats have much more in common than Social Liberals and Conservatives. In Europe Liberals and moderate socialists form parliamentary coalitions
Anyone who uses liberal as an insult is incredibly cringe in my book.
I used to not like music for a long time because my family was weirdly annoying about music. They made it uncomfortable to want to listen to it, making me feel embarrassed about it.
Wine is not an emulator
Consequences are happening now, cat 5 hurricane hit Acapulco Mexico and destroyed the city.
That’s the genius of proprietary software business models, also adobe is guilty of this, let people pirate your software so they dominate using your software. Once their skills are built on it once they get to the workforce they won’t even question using a libre alternative. In the end they manage to dominate the market
Bringing company scrip back for old times sake
we did it reddit!
rates. I’m pretty sure a couple happened in just the last few weeks.
I’ve heard of articles saying that global warming is already leading to more air turbulence and that it is only going to get much stronger by the mid century
we need to give in to every single one of putins demands otherwise you’re in favor of WW3 😠😠😠 /s
there’s also iran, I wouldn’t be surprised if north korea and china also have bot farms, and then even in america evangelical christians fund shady hate operations around the world too
I would definitely roll in my sleep and fall to my death