Time for Illinois to make theirs malort
Time for Illinois to make theirs malort
I love a good michelada, but I never had one when I lived in Ohio…
WDJT? She got fired from the station with Trump’s initials in it. Coincidence???
Hell yeah the return of RAP BAND
I remember asking a guy in the subway in NYC a question about which line took me to some place and he just said, “What do I look like? A map?” and walked off. It was like a cartoon. I been in Chicago now for 12 years and have never experienced anything like that
This is where I think active dietary restrictions make for interesting challenges towards forming new habits. I was only a vegan for one year, but trying to do that forced me to learn how to cook Indian food because that’s basically the most common cuisine that can be made vegan without too many drastic changes and still tastes amazing. I worked at an American grill restaurant in the Midwest and everything was either brown or white and basically unseasoned, so I made an arbitrary decision to try cooking with as many variously colored ingredients as possible and that too proved to be a fun experiment. Idk life is too short to just eat the same processed crap all the time
I’ve had my posts deleted from Facebook as well. I got the same message too about “trying to get likes in a misleading way”. Super shady
When I was a teenager, I literally had girls literally tell me they liked me but that I was too short, or they’d date me if I was taller. It bothered me a lot but I didn’t get weird and bitter about it or anything. The average height of a woman in the US is 5’4" so I was still able to find plenty of partners shorter than me or the same height or even a little taller, and the older I get the less it matters. I just always think of Prince who was 5’2" and just about the sexiest human alive. The hardest part is not internalizing American society’s standards.
Look at what Nintendo’s been doing for the last like 20 years. PS2 level graphics but great game design
I could never live in the Upper Midwest states like Minnesota, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Too cold for too much of the year. Chicago gets crazy cold sometimes but winters are getting milder thanks to climate change. The more Western Midwest states are too boring for me. There are small cultural enclaves like Lincoln Nebraska or Lawrence Kansas, but they are more remote out there than in the eastern part of the region. Instead of a couple hours drive to see a cool concert you’d need to get a hotel.
I like Cincinnati although I’ve never lived there. Good mix of culture and affordability plus a drive towards more bike and transit infrastructure. If I weren’t concerned with having a career I’d live in a blue city in the South, like Asheville North Carolina or Lewisburg West Virginia. Great weather, good culture, and nice people. Just a lot of poverty and few jobs.
Columbus is not Great Plains. Too much corn and not enough grassland
The US Census Bureau defines the Midwest like this, but I think the Dakotas and most of Kansas and Nebraska are Great Plains, not tha Midwest.
When I was a kid growing up in the Midwest, this is what I thought tacos were. And then a friend took me to a legit Mexican joint as a teenager and my mind was blown
Not enough ads in between sentences
Kinda disappointed the friend didn’t check with the driver at all and instead just wanted to leave the scene
And yet its collectivism makes it a much more cooperative society than America. People take care of the commons instead of taking as much as they can before anyone else
Hen hao
The Best Condiment
I said the same. Giving you a virtual high five
Insert Homelander clip