There are people in this thread trying to say its faster through text.
There are people in this thread trying to say its faster through text.
Not in any safe manner. Safe for the assholes running the show that is.
Getting rid of oversight and transparency is the first step to stealing. A grifters typical move.
When I need to solve a problem I use the fastest method. Talking about the problem. Anyone who thinks they can do that as quickly through texts or emails is just not interested in quickly resolving it. No way anyone can solve a problem faster with anything less than a conversation.
This will be declared a terrorist document create by a evil government as soon as trump hears about it. Its not like he can read well enough understand it.
What is this ml you speak of. They don’t exist to me.
Trump is on china’s side. Make no mistake he like their way of doing things.
To be fair many words are used as slurs against many people. It was not used in this way this time. Fucking off as least as far as you are concerned.
No its not but I tire of having to edit my thought because a very small 1% percent of the population doesn’t like what I say. That includes what you describe as queers and also the real problem. The people who have too much money.
A centrist fairy is a person on the left or the right that comes along and smears someone who see both sides as being the same thing. The don’t sprinkle dust. They sling shit. The differences only being by degree where one side cancels and the other side threatens. Both sides seek to silence anyone who isn’t them. Both sides fail to fix the countries problems because at the top, both sides are rich over entitled scum.
Also you could substitute gremlin or wraith for fairy but in the stories fairies were by far the worse.
Careful, you will call the centrist fairies to tell you how you are the problem.
Because they are saluting right back at him.
Under fire? They don’t care. They wont care. Until the fire is of something more tangible than impotent words and feelings.
We already knew he feels no responsibility. You can’t expect a narcissist to be anything other than a horrible person. Its all they can be.
They still managed to get a underwear shot or two out of him.
Brian Cranston was in a lot of stuff. There was a episode of Babylon 5 where he played a ship captain who took one for the team to trick the current enemy.
Episcopal’s are keeping it real. If I was going to be a christian it would be them.
It is simple and free of bloat. I like it much better than that youtube shorts analog I can’t remember the name of.
Triggered? Why? I guess you feel problems are solved quicker by slow back and forth text.
Oh and by the way what does me being on the spectrum have to do with anything? You sure you are commenting on the right thread? Since it seems like you read a lot in to my post and pulled autism out of it. Outside my job I rarely answer the phone. I haven’t had voicemail set up on a phone in years. But when its a job you have to communicate.