It depends, but rarely the truth. It only took me 30+ years buy I finally learned that 99.99999% of people asking don’t care. And they really don’t want the truth if it’s worse than ‘so-so’.
It depends, but rarely the truth. It only took me 30+ years buy I finally learned that 99.99999% of people asking don’t care. And they really don’t want the truth if it’s worse than ‘so-so’.
Indeed it is. I’ve said before in other posts that it’s insane how you can’t watch local sports without a cable plan unless you watch the NFL. And the NFL is moving in that direction too though the only positive is that if the team is in your local market for the time being you can still see it on broadcast TV unlike the MLB. For me at least I’m not incentivized to pay for every subscription service to get access to games. Nor am I going to pay that insane $80 a month Hulu w/ TV, Sling, etc bullshit that’s just cable TV but streamed.
If I didn’t live in the market of one of the teams (ie it wasn’t on broadcast tv for me) I wouldn’t be paying for Netflix to watch the NFL today. In which case I’d watch the NBA instead. Personally the Christmas NFL games feel pointless. Like it’s obviously just NFL greed (they’re getting a bundle from Netflix) and so far it’s nothing impressive imo.
You have to be huffing some major copium if you think he’s going to help disabled people make more money. He helped prevent (via one of his appointed judged) people getting overtime pay if you make more than $30k. Plus Project 2025 calls for stripping disability and other protections from individuals with disabilities. So no he isn’t going to do anything for the disabled community except make our lives worse.
Oh no! Anyway…
No one wants to place the blame on the IDF or Netenyahu it’s always ‘Dems’. Well hey if they get wiped out under Trump I’m sure that’ll be Dems fault too
I appreciate that you can get manifested pages without having to grind the base pages elsewhere. They’re still too stingy with the eerie engrams though.
Seeing it again yeah lol
For me a lot of meltdowns feel like spiraling. Unable to communicate how I feel, feeling alone/separated, racing thoughts that run the gamete from anxious to depressing. Typically I want to reach out and connect to someone but I can’t and that makes it worse somehow. It’s scary to deal with especially as a lot of it feels so irrational yet it has a real impact.
Oshi no Ko S2 has been satisfying so far. This has been a really bleh season of anime overall for me. Heavy fan service and/or a step away from outright hentai will keep me from watching something and this summer has felt like a lot of fetishy stuff. And since most shows revolve around teens I just can’t watch that stuff.
I get this, but in my feet. Just have to rub the bottom of my foot on something and hope for the best. Suuuuucks.
He’s a fine kicker, but an absolute chud and I hate they gave him all that money.
Nice debunked conspiracy theories pushed by the GOP to vilify the ‘other’. I’d say try harder but you’re clearly a tool of the fascists.
Yes! Educating people on the value of Blue Jays and trying to dispell the myths about them is important. Know my mom constantly is telling coworkers and others about how the Blue Jays get a bad rap. The ones around us have a mile plus wide communication network that gets the word out about predators and food being available. Kind of cool to hear them if you’re on a walk and then see the hawk they’re chasing/warning about.
No experience with that book, but a lot of literature has autistim coded characters. Lot, well sort of, debate in the Warhammer 40k communities about a fair number of autism coded characters there. I can’t remember who all they’ve said since I avoid a lot of the conversations but if I remember right a fair number of Space Marines, and their ‘traitor’ brethren are ‘autistic’.
This sentiment always makes me laugh. We have a large family or three that live in the area and hang out on our feeder and water. They get pushed around by the morning doves, woodpeckers and sparrows. Cardinals and house finches spaz out on their own and fly off.
Reanimation is soooo good. Still have my original copy of Hybrid Theory and it’s great, but the edits on Reanimation just work really well. Meteora is good though their constant experimentation can make some stinkers.
I loved the campaign and had a lot of fun initially post campaign. But with more and more of the content locked behind ‘having a group’ I’ve found myself playing less and less. The pinnacle grind has been painful so far, especially as stuff will drop at a point that’s useful, other times the same content will drop it lower, and even other times the same content won’t drop anything. It’s just all putting me off. Especially the insane damage that’s going out now. Dying 40 times in a match made thing because the enemies one shot is boring.
More like slowly moved off stage while his head was fully exposed so he could do his sieg heil fist pump combo.
I’ve spent 5 years wanting to play The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time on my computer. Finally bought a USB to Controller port thing and the buttons were like not mapping in a way that made sense. Change a few buttons and they’re still wrong. Really frustrating lol So I unplugged it and turned it off. I could always play on my Game Cube or N64 but was thinking of streaming it so yeah. I’ll sort it out but had had enough for the day at that point.
Been playing some Marvel Rivals and it’s just like Overwatch but better. Except their ‘Lucio Ball’/Rocket League mode suuuuuuucks and is mega frustrating since the ball detection is janky. Anyway yeah I also hate getting bitched at by damage dealers when I’m the only healer. Or when they run off and die in some random place. Like yeah my person I can’t heal you on the other side of the map while I have a DPS or two tunneling me as everyone ignores that I’m dying.