A non-stop attack move. The user’s ATTACK power increases every time it sustains damage.
finals or semifinals to some tcg tournament circuit years ago, could have gone forward to nationals I think otherwise, the field was very weak. Don’t play Pokémon lol
You’ll know a video of me in public is fake because it won’t be wearing a mask. Easiest solution in the world
He’s just going to SAY they were extracted and you know what? That’s just how things are now he doesn’t have to actually do anything but tell his usual lies and move on
is this the post-truth reality they told me about
White, cis leftists tend to overcorrect and reject intersectional analysis and live up to ancestral crackerdom
This is now my favorite way of putting this lmao
I’ve been kind of thinking the amount of fools in power who do not understand where their value comes from outnumber those who do by a long shot these days. Failsons of failsons of all the old money who were just as evil but at least knew how the game worked. So the result of this is that now all of these lumps think that the money they have was always there and will always be there and they can do whatever they want. Which I guess to be fair has been the case for a long time, but the mammon machine doesn’t care and I’m waiting for the day they find out.
The money model, best articulated in Russell’s 1998 book, Beyond Ramps: Disability at the End of the Social Contract, posits that disabled people are not, as they are often framed in dominant culture, a “burden to society,” but are actually a valuable resource. As Russell explains: “…persons who do not offer a body which will enhance profitmaking as laborers are used to shore up US capitalism by other means.” Disabled people are a nexus around which the capacity for surplus labor power can be built (often financed in part by federal money)—whole sectors of our economy have sprung forth from the money model, which has normalized the commodification of things, systems, and places that maintain disabled bodies in pursuit of squeezing profit from the money which passes through disabled people towards their survival and care. For example, nursing homes, Russell argued, are not places of rest and comfort, but a strategy for commodifying the “least productive” so that they can both be “made of use to the economic order” and free up the labor supply of those who love and wish to care for them. This system benefits neither the workers nor disabled people, only what Russell called the “owning class.” US disability policy, instead of being oriented around supporting the needs of disabled people, sanctions and facilitates the capitalist capture of nearly all aspects of disablement, impairment, chronic illness, and disability, including the way that “reasonable accommodations” are commodified (as explored by Ruth Colker in her essay for this symposium).
Is that so? Am I? Well, if you say so.
idk what to tell you if you think shit like “not all men” and “lose weight fatty” isn’t reactionary. this is why your website sucks, not the other stuff
Yeah, the ones that sound exactly like this guy lol
holy shit dude lol you have read nothing in this thread
Looots of stuff like this adding up, yeah.
Why though? If you’re gonna be concerned about health at least be consistent. Her post history contains nothing about covid that isn’t jokes. I can indeed make a pretty good assumption about this shit because how many masked faces do you see out and about anymore? But you and me both know what this is, because it’s about fat people. It’s certainly not about health.
would you like to know another public health issue that is currently on par with cancer for the amount of damage it’s doing? that no one talks about, cares to mitigate, or even acknowledges anymore? with a concerted effort on the part of almost every government on earth to conceal the damage it’s doing? when is the last time you heard a doctor seriously mention covid in the last two years? you people love to come out of the woodwork and profess how much Health and Wellness you care about whenever A Fat does or says anything but you motherfuckers stopped wearing masks and giving a shit about the actual fire in the room since 2022 when everyone else stopped because it lost the capitalists lots of money and made your treats stop, i bet. but go on and tell me how much you really care about the health and well-being of fat people specifically, sure
I know what you’re trying to do but you do have a problem and need help.
Could you not have posted this entire thing without this one sentence? It betrays whatever intention you have, here.
e. actually nah I don’t really think any of this was necessary at all, in fact.
It’s like work emails, send em out ahead of time. in batches probably. or something.
TIL! That is how I learned to do it, but it was from some friends and DIY guides from a long time ago. One time I did draw up blood and I don’t know if that meant anything but it spooked me real bad and so I still do it anyway.
The thumb cluster flaps on the moonlander are really uncomfortable for my hands to use even when flat. Tented, how I prefer it, there’s just no way. The thumb keys are now the six in the bottom-most row you see in the photo. every other key slot with the cover on them aren’t used, yeah. I had to look at the specs and adapt them to a qmk file that fit the keys how i like them arranged but it works 100% the same.
Sometimes they hurt more or less, and the first time you get THE GUSHER it’s a little terrifying (lots of blood coming out bc of torn muscle/ruptured blood vessel in the process), but it’s nothing serious. Make sure to draw up a little bit too when you’re in the leg and before you inject and if you draw up blood, abort! As long as you do it safely all is well. I’ll never go back to pills/patches, I’ve seen much more progress on six months of thigh injections than years on pills.
lol (this is the layout)
The coin flips are the worst part of the game by far. Everyone IRL uses dice for it, heads = even, tails = odd.