Dodgers ⚾ Lakers 🏀 LA Galaxy ⚽
National teams ⚽ Honduras El Salvador
Happy birthday comrade
Is there a place I can inquire about careers in China?
US and Western corporation have been bleeding Central American dry they’re solely responsible for every issue in the region from economical to environmental
L - theanine (there’s one with suntheanine in it)
Add CBD if it’s available to you
To the town Beijing China rode a stranger one fine day🎶
All advice here is great, study Crowd control also everyone loves to kick it in front of the cameras and pigs in instead of keeping a protest moving (just a personal take) but that’s usually where you can see the pigs start to gradually multiply, and there’s always a boiling point where they decide to attack &/or tear gas everyone. I always felt like keeping a moving marching crowd gave the pigs a harder time to mobilize because you know they plan on using force at some point it’s just rhetorical.
You can easily see this Happen by the amount of pigs and the undercovers in the crowd, also paid people by the pigs to do something that justifies use if deadly force. These fuckers usually aim for the leftist to instigate you. Be careful.
There are also times where the undercovers posing as lib protestors will attempt to ID or event “tag” you by trying to take a picture with you very quickly and passive aggressively they might have you a shirt or a mask with som lib shit on it. And then quickly move in for a picture like a politician. Don’t remove any of your masks, but know that they got their eye on you after something like that. It’s how they mark you, in their Intel, it’s like their undercover scouting report those fuckers know who they’re charging at when the shit goes down.
I would love to see more Marxist astrologist
I followed one in Twitter during the pandemic that’s as amazing.
I would love to pick it up myself but I’m busy at the moment learning something else
I want to know your astrologer friend, do they have a channel?
Worked for me
This spoke to my soul, i really feel this
I cry in traffic sometimes to and from work or school. I used to have more life in me
In my first year of therapy, i described similar issues as yourself in feeling alone and i described how after my break up that going to the movies, go eat, or going out to dance just wasn’t the same, and she recommended I do it alone. She said just do it throw yourself out there see how to goes. I began to find that i had a better time than before with bad influencing friends or dates. In fact i met more people and made some pretty cool friends, it won’t always be the case but it’s a matter of just putting yourself out there and eventually a conversation will strike up somewhere with someone.
Those concerts, sports events, and clubbing may actually go better because you might meet more people at them.
My only closest friends right now don’t see eye to eye with me politically, i would love more commie friends myself, but they mean well and i find that even if i can’t decondition them past US propaganda, I find that their hearts are in the right place when you break it down on certain issues. I am not trans but if i were to come out, i know my friends would have my back. If your current friends don’t have your back like that maybe you need new ones.
My mental health currently ain’t at its best honestly, but i highly recommend you keep going out alone you will make new friends you align with. Especially as a with your local commie party.
This is good praxis
There Christian based ones, and witchcraft ones. Why not?
I once spoke about astrology and everyone lost their shit. We should respect everyone’s views so long as they’re not against our community guidelines as a whole. The obvious no racism, misogyny, etc.
What’s sad about her is so many things that were said about her were myths based in slut shaming her. And she was really creeped on by people who were around her in the industry. Her death was a result of a Dr who deliberately trying to take advantage of her.