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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 3rd, 2023


  • I remember for a while back in the late 90’s maybe, a lot of kids would have one of those custom airbrushed shirts youd get at a flea market or county fair with their name in BIG BOLD and colorful lettering all the way across the front.

    Little kids playing at their local park could easily be approached by a stranger saying, “hey joey! Your mom told be to pick you up. She’s in the hospital and we have to leave right now!” The panicked child follows the man who is seemingly confirmed sent by his mom because he knows his first name, forgetting anyone who’s not legally blind within a block of him also knows his name.

    Luckily we don’t see much of that these days. Creeps are now limited to accessing merely every single detail of a child’s life because mom runs a Facebook or Instagram for their child.

  • Yeah. The sad part is that this was back in 1997. Their public education system is in far worse shape than it was back then. Wisconsin had an excellent and well funded public education system so I went from getting a really good education to about the worst possible you can find in the US. So glad I wasn’t there long. Some of those kids are still there as adults, still holding out for a successful rap career and sending their little shit apples to the same school, repeating the cycle.

  • In 8th grade my family had to leave my home state of wisconsin to be in Mt.Ida, Arkansas for 9 months or so. During that time I had to attend the local public school and I remember the science teacher saying “matter cannot be created nor destroyed.” I’ve always loved science and was a huge nerd during that awkward time in my life and I knew well it was ENERGY and figured she just said it by accident. Easy mistake. I said that it was energy, not matter, that can’t be created nor destroyed and she argued with me and was dead serious when she insisted it was indeed matter.

    I said something along the lines of hydrogen turning to helium inside the sun, and wouldn’t ya know it, she didn’t believe the universe was old enough for that to be true and only god can create matter… Yup, she was a 7-day creationist who wholely belived the universe was 5000 years old teaching science in a public school in bumfuck Arkansas. I gave up and a lot of things she said before finally started making sense but in all the wrong ways.

    This bumb bitch was a fundamentalist Christian. The rest of the brief time I was there, and for the first time in my life, I didn’t give two shits about a class that was usually one of my favorites.

  • I’m gunna finish this coffee, feed the cats and then spend all day in my CNC workshop finishing up a big project, a really kickass frame for an old autographed TOOL album, Opiate, I’ve been meaning to frame for over 13 years. I might even fire up the smoker and make some ribs. Wife is out of town on a business trip so I’ll prolly drink a bunch of beer, fire up some of that sticky-icky, and go through a bunch of my favorite early 90’s G-funk albums.

  • And it made about as much sense as having a pissing section in a public pool.

    I remember in the early-mid 90’s going to pizza hut with my family to cash in one of those sweet book club free pizza stamps and the smoking section always being packed with other families. The other kids would be playing and having a fun time while all the adults enjoyed their refreshing delicious cigarettes while everyone ate. There was no real, “smoking or non-smoking” section. It’s was a smoke filled restaurant with the option to sit shoulder to shoulder with someone smoking a cig or being a few feet away from said smokers.

  • Here’s the thing tho. Nobody thinks about you even 1% of what you think they do. It seems like youre saying, “I need validation and want to be a part of the bigger world outside my own” which is totally fair. It’s even healthy, especially when compared to escapism and isolation. If your actions and behavior cause people to have a negative reaction, i.e. jealousy, obsessions, I encourage you to reevaluate what’s within yourself that desires that negative attention. People will think of you far far more if your behavior and actions gives those around you positive reactions. Trade the desire to make them jealous for inspiring them by being a healthy, upstanding rolemodel. Trade “I” statements for “you” questions. People crave and are drawn to those who show an interest in them, just as you admit to in this post. Make the world a better place, not a more anxious place and you’ll find all that attention you desire becomes a far more reasonably attainable goal.

  • Homeboy signed that thang with, “I am the LORD,” too. I’m not a Christian but if I were, I’d understand that there’s no two ways about whats being demandad and evern required as a follower of the Christian faith from numerous uno, the Don himself, in plane black and white.

    I feel and live this way without such demands from the centerpiece of a religion and it’s the easiest and best way to live. Life is so messy and brutally hard sometimes and the last thing any of us need is having to haul around a worthless 200lb sack of hate over our shoulder every step we take. Let it go and you’re life will change radically for the better.