This is actually true. A former landlord of mine made a fuck ton of money by farming koi fish in the basement of a warehouse.
This is actually true. A former landlord of mine made a fuck ton of money by farming koi fish in the basement of a warehouse.
It doesn’t matter why are you roleplaying as a botanist if you don’t see that culinary definitions and scientific classification are two separate things. One is really useless for the average person and the other is probably also a foreign concept to everyone having quirky discussions about whether cakes are hotdogs or smoothies, because they are the type of people to tweet a 60 page essay about why expecting neurodivergents people to cook their own meal should be considered a hate crime.
I think insanely rich is probably the worst thing on the list. How are you immortal and the smartest person alive and still broke? You should find ways to make a fortune easily oorr if you really want to change something you can use your power to actually improve the system in the long-term and not just profit yourself.
Boeing is doing the low% speedrun where you try to get to your destination with the least aircraft parts.
A TOS shows that if you do an out of bounds glitch you can trigger the loading zone under ground because they stretch to the bottom of the sky box.
No, the detonator of an atomic bomb is a little bomb itself. The energy required to to detonate is much greater than anyplaincrash could cause. I find it amusing (relatively, we are still talking about weapons of mass destruction) that a thermonuclear bomb need a regular atomic bomb to trigger, wich needs a regular bomb to detonate. So we are just stacking bombs on bombs on bombs to make them stronger.
Thank gooood, I wouldnt be here. My family lived in a prime atom bomb target area. I moved far away about a year ago. I was relieved thinking that if the next war start I’m as safe as you can be in Europe. Mfw I find out there are dozens of US military bases nearby 🤠
I feel like the death if the AAA industry has been dragging on for a while. Every time the “only indie studios can save gaming” feeling hits me a new God of War or Knack 2 or Doom comes out.
The comments the guy makes sound more like “yes having black skin is bad, but there is nothing he can change about it, so don’t bully him.” And when he dips the kids in ink he say “look at you. Your skin is even darker than his now!”.
Weeell I mean we use abbreviation for the really bad ones. BAföG being my usual example. And I work with international students so with some I see how they learn German from the beginning. My favourite moments are when they discover words like Arbeitsunfähigkeitsbesscheinigung (wich we abbreviate with AU or just Krankenschein), Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung (or just Tempolimit) or the aforementioned Berufsausbildungsförderungsgeld (or just BAföG). I feel like there are quite a few really long words in everyday life. You just have to look out for them.
Peter was the guy with the nasty hair and nails. The kid in orange is Konrad or little suck-a-thumb. His thumbs are cut of by the a random man with big sharp scissors because he wouldn’t stop sucking his thumbs. So he kind of had it coming. He was even warned by his mother.
But seriously the girl on the bottom is maybe the only good story I would actually tell my children. It’s about a girl who kept playing with fire even tho she was repeatedly told how dangerous it was.
There is also one story about a black kid that is being bullied for the colour his skin. A bystander doesn’t like that and dips the dipshits in ink so their skin is even darker than that of the black child. Wich is kind of slay but still portrays dark skin as worse than lighter skin soo :(
I think it’s funny that the capitalization of nouns in German is allegedly for readability, but at the same time we can cram the new testament into four words.
I had a guy (political science student) explain that slave owners have responsibility too. And if they don’t own slaves how are they supposed to earn money?
If I hear “bUt MoNkEyS oPeN tHeM fRoM tHe BotTom” again I will shit a semi truck. Wild monkeys do not eat bananas. Why would monkeys be the authority on bananas?? Because they are depicted that way? Would you ask a mouse how to eat cheese because they are drawn as cheese fans in cartoons? Well no, they eat fruit and grain and shit. Humans created the Cavendish banana. Monkeys were not taken into consideration when we frankensteined modern bananas together.
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Politics is not about winning. Sticking to your principles and your morals instead of selling out and supporting the death of thousands in the mediterranean sea and the middle east is worth more than winning some seats in parliament. There is no one reason the right is on the rise. Populism and giving in to the temptation of power are definitely leading factors though.
I have not heard that one but yea. If you tell someone to be more Cambodian that would make them less Scottish probably.
Everyone in the comments saying that the “left” needs to be stricter on immigration is not reading the news apparently. First of if you are anti human rights you are not left anymore. And if you allow the normalisation of right wing policy you are not left anymore. And if your left party suddenly starts shifting to the right noone votes for you anymore. True leftists are disappointed by you and right wingers won’t stop voting for the true right.
Ne, ich sage keine neue Technologie, wenn die das Ende der Welt wie wir sie kennen bedeutet. Und ‘wir machen uns verwundbar’ ist ein Gedanke der direkt in die Waffenspirale führt.
My guy. Crab is really common in east asian cuisine. The wording wasn’t great but that happens.