Season 3 of Legend of Korra does this pretty well, though the villains are also united by an ideology that drives them to act.
Oh shit
Fuck you I won’t do what you tell me
Fuck you I won’t do what you tell me
Fuck you I won’t do what you tell me!!!
Those that wear ties are justified
For wearin the suit, you’re the chosen white
for 500 years it poisoned his mind
Ouahhhhhhhh le racisme de Ciotti…
On est vraiment dans la mécanique infernale de la descente dans le fascisme 😭
PEGI finally pulling their heads out of their asses??
I like how it can be taken as a 60’s-hippie style “make love and drugs, not war” message if you squint just a bit.
C’est possible à Toulouse aussi! J’ignore depuis quand, c’était pas en place quand j’habitais en 2017. Plutôt pratique quand t’as pas envie de prévoir la monnaie pour acheter ton ticket dans le bus, et ça permet au chauffeur de se concentrer davantage sur la route.
Metrosexual bash is not what I expected…
On the one hand, sure.
On the other, gimme back my lesbian lumberjack flannel esthetic you poser-ass, milquetoast, basic bish of a command line. I didn’t fight with my prompt var and bashrc to get associated with someone who calls others “nerds” as a put-down.
Donc si je comprends bien, il a fallu attendre qu’une femme soit à la tête de la fédé pour enfin trouver une autre solution que les sportives se COLLENT LITTÉRALEMENT LA TENUE SUR LEUR PEAU pour pas finir exhibitionniste en compèt…
Vous pourrez sortir cette anecdote la prochaine fois qu’un gars fait chier sur les trans dans le sport selon quoi il faudrait “protéger le sport féminin” ; ils étaient où pour ça?..
I guess our compensation is being able to be content with what we already have, and not having to constantly worry about someone finding out.
Lol. The kings left in Europe have little power over their people, and even less over their governments. I doubt Trump wants to be a figurehead that everyone ignores when it comes to actually governing.
Not to mention over here in France, we got rid of our kings. And when they came back, we ended up getting rid of them again.
glass was not even recycled usually
Yeah, we would reuse it (as the order implies in reduce, reuse, recycle). Recycling glass takes wayyyyyyy more energy than cleaning it. But the glass makers benefit more from access to cheap broken glass, so we get them lobbying so that glass recycling drop-off/containers almost force you to shatter every bottle you put into them…
I wish I could set aside my convictions and care for others to make money this easily.
My naive, optimistic guess is that they really don’t want the Ukrainian forces to summarily execute him from a distance, and so many Russian soldiers have faked surrenders over the past 2 years that they figure anything less than taping this man’s arms around a tree will just get this guy killed.
Ooooh, new favorite meme for the current times
Hopefully Syria can be unified and hopefully the Kurds will be treated well.
Big news! I hope this is from a position of relative trust and not the SDF feeling like they will disappear elsewise.
The whiplash from the two titles in your second pic really hit me hard
The uids’ re-generation might be faulty, as they’re new to 4.4.
In theory the problem can still arise without using uids - it certainly has for me in the past, working on a godot 4.2 project on 2 separate machines. Godot imported the same things twice, once independently on each machine, and so generated different ids for them. From what I can tell the biggest error/mistake on my part was opening the project in the godot editor before pulling the newest commits.
The best approach I’ve found so far has been to be very conscious about when a new scene is created, and to similarly be very mindful when merging git branches.
If a scene was added, but not its .uid file (or a resource but not its .uid or .import) then whoever pulls the code and then opens their 4.4 editor will generate new uids on their end. This generation probably updates the scattered .tscn files that participate in and/or use the newly added scene.
Sadly I don’t have an exact method or workflow to recommend beyond trying to do git pulls/fetches before opening the editor, especially when new scenes, nodes, or resources have been added to the project.