The Kinsey scale doesn’t need to be the best or most accurate scale to serve its purpose, which is to expand sexual definitions beyond labels. The simple idea of nuance to sexuality is one a lot of people struggle with, including OP.
The Kinsey scale doesn’t need to be the best or most accurate scale to serve its purpose, which is to expand sexual definitions beyond labels. The simple idea of nuance to sexuality is one a lot of people struggle with, including OP.
Macbeth, Act 2, Scene 2:
Lechery, sir, it provokes, and unprovokes; it provokes the desire, but it takes away the performance: therefore, much drink may be said to be an equivocator with lechery: it makes him, and it mars him; it sets him on, and it takes him off; it persuades him, and disheartens him; makes him stand to, and not stand to; in conclusion, equivocates him in a sleep, and, giving him the lie, leaves him.
Your heart’s in the right place, but I think you need to learn more about the LGBT community. Stuff that doesn’t come from sources trying to paint it as sinful or a corrruption of society.
Honestly, a lot of anti-LGBT talk is just an evolution of anti-woman talk. They were oppressed and made to feel shame for who they are, and then they decided they weren’t going to take it anymore. There is no shame. Only pride.
Misogynists tried to demonise the entire feminist movement by saying “look at those radical feminists who just hate men. They’re all ugly and weird!” Looking back, a lot of the men who did that were projecting hard, since they were rarely attractive or sensible themselves.
Then a bunch of women who listened to those misogynists a little too much took the lessons to heart, not wanting to hate women but being taught they should. So they say “I can’t support feminism because of those radicals”, or “I’m not like other girls, I’m one of the good ones!” It’s still misogyny. It’s just a self-serving sort.
But all it takes to be feminist is to think women should have equal rights to men. And all it takes to support the LGBT community is to say they shouldn’t be persecuted for being who they are.
I don’t think incest and being gay are equivelant. Beyond the biological issues, there is an inherent power dynamic in families that make it difficult AF to judge consent. Meanwhile, there’s no inherent issues in LGBT relationships.
I find that people who think “the LGBT community are weird” are the weird ones. What’s so weird about it? If it’s different from what you find normal, then that’s a reflection on you more than them.
But weirder still are the people so fixated on hating the LGBT community that they attack them, demonise them, strip away their rights, and all that stuff. If you oppose weirdos, then oppose those ones. The bar is so low right now that that counts as being supportive.
I’m making the same face as the guy in the back, only I’m not looking down at some lovely pasta.
Dumbledore was gay, Hermione was a child. Sexy cosplay, but dumb title.
On the one hand, that was quick. On the other hand, it took longer than I’d expect.
I remember one story where a guy went onto a small dick humiliation discord, and he was so big everyone thought he was trolling. He wasn’t. He tried to make it look smaller than it was, but was still shockingly big.
So that request doesn’t mean much about their dick size. Still funny, tho.
That’s called hotdogging.
This guy’s mind will explode when he learns about pegging.
I can think of exactly two situations where someone who would want to know what my peepus looks like, and in both cases, it’s better for me to just show the dang thing.