I was just thinking of this the other day, but didn’t I want to slog through my meme library to find it. Thank the gods for Geert!
I was just thinking of this the other day, but didn’t I want to slog through my meme library to find it. Thank the gods for Geert!
I hope you find a solution. I grew frustrated with the immutable desktop function of the SteamDeck, so I installed holoiso instead of SteamOS. Seems nearly identical, except that I can actually use the computer in desktop mode. Sleep is buggy now. I miss how well sleep worked in SteamOS.
This picture was the end game for 80s babies. A Duck Tales poster would really tie my room together.
We’ll figure out this limit. Just keep reducing file size by half and increasing by a quarter. I have some vacation days to burn.
Perfect meme. No changes needed!
I just got a new water bottle today, coincidentally.
It’s a metal lined ThermoFlask from the costco. I have been using Nalgene bottles for years and replacing them around 6 months. My last two bottles kept smelling off to me, so I decided to change to metal. So far I like it a lot. I am hoping it’s easier to keep clean than the plastic water bottles.
I hate buying so much stuff, but I’m sure the plastic lid on this bottle will give out eventually and I’ll need to buy a new bottle unless I can find a replacement lid online. I try to be frugal, but I think it’s worth it to spend extra when it comes to what you’re putting in your body.
This post gave me an idea to try. I’m going to write the date of purchase on all my new bottles and use that as a guide to get a new one or at least evaluate how well they hold up.
I wish you a wonderful hydration, fellow h20 enthusiasts!
Many digital cameras don’t actually rotate the pixels when you rotate the camera, they just tell the metadata that the image should be displayed rotated. So this is why removing the metadata causes the image to rotate on Lemmy or similar sites.
Society, your family, friends, animals.
I forgot about this song. Brings me back to the good days.
KDE Neon was designed for someone who wants Kubuntu but with the latest KDE features. Just stick with Kubuntu if you’re a noob, or better yet, go with Debian and choose the KDE version. Your experience will be better and it will be more stable.
If you want to get the latest and greatest, go with Arch, but that requires (or at least should require coughManjaro*cough) the ability to read technical documents to fix random issues that will occasionally pop up when you are using the freshest and newest software.
Ok well if that was my data set, then I would also share your opinion.
Go to a hospital. Crocs as far as the eye can see. And they work long grueling hours.
Welcome to Kbin where everything is made up and the points don’t matter (except to everyone in this comment section apparently).
I heard that the WHO is pushing this agenda in order to replace aspartame in your diet coke with vaccines. Wake up beeple!
That’s a great idea. What if it showed you a side by side of the most active thread along with the thread on your local instance (if it exists). Then include an “other discussions” button to see all instances with the post. As well as a “merge comments” button to view every comment in one page ranked by upvotes.
Internet Explorer left such an imprint on the culture, that it will never go away. It will live forever, similar to the floppy disk save icon. The next generation will still know of it because the aging xboomers and millennials will continue to reference it. The IE logo will live on as a representation of pain.
Internet Explorer was always awful. It started off with the browser wars of the 90s between Netscape and Internet Explorer. Then it lived on well past its useful age because so many Windows developers made apps that required IE. IE paled in comparison to newer web browsers of the 2000s, but companies could not get rid of it because so many of their poorly designed and critical business applications required Internet Explorer to work. Everybody dragged their feet on moving away from those IE-based applications because it costs time and money to replace. In many cases, the companies that developed the software were no longer in business. And if the original vendor still existed, they had so few developers experienced in unraveling decades-old code, that if they could upgrade the software they charged a pretty penny.
Companies didn’t want to budget for the cost of replacing IE-based software so they dragged their feet. Microsoft kept extending the lifespan of IE because completely killing it would have a huge impact on so many companies that it could have real negative impacts on the economy.
IT people hate it. To this day, some still suffer with maintaining IE based applications or creating poorly-crafted work arounds. Office workers hate it because many were forced to use it everyday because it powered some critical function such as payroll, budgeting, HR, etc. IE represents everything awful in the age of computers.
You will never escape Internet Explorer.
I like the emojis for each image. They helped me find an appropriate reaction. Like close captions for autistic people.
It’s been so long I don’t even know if this is an actual quote or a spoof. But it’s gold either way.