I never noticed before nowjch Ned Stark looks like he’s holding a karaoke microphone in this image.
I never noticed before nowjch Ned Stark looks like he’s holding a karaoke microphone in this image.
Yeh but only if you didn’t mean to, like it came that way or you did do it on purpose but for some other reason not cat related specifically. If you set it aside for them because you want them to be happy then they’ve got no interest in your stupid bag or box.
I came here to pee but I’ll hold it in to spend some time in the head-in-some-boobs room.
Will it actually kind of was ironically. I was going to try and make a go of it, but I was immensely worried I’d be caught in the act and having to maintain the channel flipping with the remote made things awkward too. When it suddenly tuned in consistently I thought I’d hit the jackpot but then I got so worried I’d leave evidence I flicked away from the channel again before I could really you know, get anything out of it.
Once I went on holiday in Europe as a young teen. The hotel room had a tv with like 2-3 free normal channels and extra channels including porn that you could access if you called the front desk and gave them credit card information. I definitely wasn’t going to do that since I didn’t have a credit card and this room was booked in my parents’ names, however the whole reason I knew about this was because I was flicking the through the normal channels simply because I was bored and I accidentally flipped past the porno channel. You weren’t supposed to be able to see anything on there because they want you to pay up for that so when you land on this channel you’re presented with some kind of teletext on black screen saying something like call reception to access with a phone number or something, however, when you first flick to this channel, it takes a little while to kind of tune in to it before it displays the teletext and as it tunes in it looks just like the image from this post before instantly clearing in to a complete picture and you get about 1 almost 2 seconds of whatever porn was showing at the time and then the paywall. So being pretty desperate, obviously I flicked up past the channel and back down again to get my 1-2 seconds of porn and did this repeatedly over and over again. Funnily enough, I would have been content with this uncomfortable viewing arrangement but after doing this in a rhythm for a while I noticed that sometimes you’d get 1 second or sometimes 2, or sometimes even like a full 5 seconds or more and this would happen in no particular order of successive channel flips when then suddenly it just flicked on to the channel permanently with no interruption. I have no idea why that happened but this image definitely reminds me of that. Funnily enough I didn’t really take advantage of this luck because I was so shocked by that suddenly happening and so worried it might get billed to the room anyway that I just flicked away from the channel and turned it off.
There’s a podcast called hot money that goes in to this. Go check it out, I reckon you’ll like it
I think around about the 2008th to 2012th season of the AD series the writing was starting to pick up a bit, they’re just sorta phoning it in now and trying to spice it up with some shark jumping B stories about the political backdrop .
That shit drives me insane I really want to turn it off.
Just make sure you don’t use it, or fail to clarify and confirm the meaning of its use, in a business setting or you could be in some trouble.
I don’t mean to be a bit obvious but I really think of all the insightful analysis you might get it really boils down to “he’s a cartoon character” both literally and metaphorically.
When he’s evil, it’s funny. His evil plans are… well… cartoonish. He tried to block out the sun, he built a factory that uses the plastic from beverage packaging to deliberately snare sealife as a business venture, he tried to pose as a child in an elementary school in an attempt to trick the principle in to donating school funds to his power plant. It’s true he had more realistic and grounded evil too like trying to cancel all the plant employees’ dental plans, but in the same episode he does zany wacky stuff with a 1000 monkeys at a 1000 typewriters writing the world’s greatest novel and you tend to forget he’s evil because that’s just so funny. In fact his hilarious ways of spending his ill gotten wealth or his old-timey antics are so cooky and eccentric it’s kind of hard to hold on to resentment that he has undeserved power and privilege and besides, again, it’s a cartoon so there’s no actual real harm to be upset about and the tone of the show and his appearance in it never tries to portray that harm in a serious way so you can’t really even be so wrapped up in the fiction that the harm even feels real as in other works of fiction.
They have also occasionally humanized him, as a necessary measure for when entire episodes have revolved around him so he has his troubled past with his lost toy BoBo and his own quick abandonment of his own parents, he’s been unlucky in love and he’s insecure about his baldness even showing genuine empathy towards Homer for his desperate attempts to use the company medical insurance for hair replacement medicine. In fact I think the few times they really show him as an actual unlikeable prick are when he stays at the Simpson home and behaves like a monster and the time he tried to marry Marge’s Mum and was extremely hasty and controlling about it. In both those instances we could genuinely hate him, but they more or less redeem him by having him be forced to accept consequences for the behaviour.
Was this an ad for that Tango thing?
I’m just pretty impressed by the stone age guy drawing 25 cave paintings per second on top of all the writing (before it’s even invented) to produce Black Mirror (before Mirrors are invented) with the technology at the time.
Yeh, arguably and to a limited extent, the problems he’s having now aren’t the result of the decision to use AI to make his product so much as the decision to tell people about that and people deliberately attempting to sabotage it. I’m careful to qualify that though because the self evident flaw in his plan even if it only surfaced in a rather extreme scenario, is that he lacks the domain specific knowledge to actually make his product work as soon as anything becomes more complicated than just collecting the money. Evidently there was more to this venture than just the building of the software, that was necessary to for it to be a viable service. Much like if you consider yourself the ideas man and paid a programmer to engineer the product for you and then fired them straight after without hiring anyone to maintain it or keep the infrastructure going or provide support for your clients and then claimed you ‘built’ the product, you’d be in a similar scenario not long after your first paying customer finds out the hard way that you don’t actually know anything about your own service that you willingly took money for. He’s discovering he can’t actually provide the service part of the Software as a Service he’s selling.
Maybe not entirely, governments probably aren’t thrilled that something that was once an obstacle to authorities when dealing with a small group of dedicated individuals now extends to huge portions of the population for any and every investigation where their communications might have helped authorities build their case so you can see why they might try and remove that obstacle for themselves.
Hope the EU aid has some doctors as well to help that woman with her creepy event horizon demon eyes
Hmm but if the big stumbling block before was that one of the only 2 parties you have to choose from didn’t want PR to become a state on the basis of its population generally voting the other party, and now that’s changed and they prefer the party that previously opposed their integration in to the union, wouldn’t the party that formerly supported them now simply become opposed?
Is it illegal for me to hear any other person’s song? Can we co-ordinate? I think with the 8 billion of us we have around we might actually get close to covering the full library of human songs as long as none of us repeats. In that case then I don’t really care which one, I’m happy to be just assigned one to make none of us doubles up. Another question would be how well the human birth rate can keep up with number of new songs people come up with. If we can average out the rate of growth can we just assign any given new song to a registry so we don’t exceed that average and that mete out a new entry from the backlog in the registry to each person as they’re born? Maybe if we can assign a song to each person that has ever lived or at least who’s life was recorded we can add some resilience to account for unexpected low birth yields or something. I’m assuming a song is still “legal” after its person has died. If not it’ll be a bit more complicated.
Boysenberry. It’s weirdly become very rare at least where I live. It used to be quite common
Is it… people?
Haha, did you ever try it out? Maybe it really was your life long calling.