Ready or Not is pretty cool, it’s basically a SWAT simulator. More lore than story though. Don’t know about DRM.
Not all nations rely in fossil fuels
Please list some countries that run on 100% renewables that are massively building AI datacenters, I’ll wait. Meanwhile, consider that useful things could be done with the energy required for AI. Even other uses for AI would be better, like automating menial labor or detecting cancer. Instead AI voices replace and devalue human artistic expression, not because they are better, but because they are cheaper.
Couldn’t you just skip that room?
Maybe I can bring myself to be excited about it by the time we know if it’s actually any good, for now though I couldn’t care less. Give me Lower Decks season 6.
Der Klimawandel als aktuelles Massensterben ist mMn weitaus tragischer weil er, anders als die vergangenen, verhinderbar ist(/war?). Warum es Menschen gibt, die das nicht interessiert und denen das durch Menschen verursachte Massensterben egal ist, kann ich nicht sagen. Anscheinend gibt es Menschen, die entweder ohne jegliche Empathie vor sich hinvegetieren oder sie wissen/verstehen einfach nicht was passiert.
Eindeutig fake, wenn man buchstäblich alles falsch beantwortet kriegt man 100% AfD
Extrem seltenes Merz W
That is literally how horror movies start
I thought “conservatives” couldn’t invent a worse economic idea after “If the rich have more money, surely some of it will end up with the poor at some point”, but here is “Just make everything more expensive so it becomes cheaper”. Wow. It’s almost impressive at this point.
CalyxOS on a Fairphone 4. Can recommend.
Good taste in music as well
A Feast for Crows - George RR Martin (2005)
MP9.JPEG (I’m too lazy to search but it’s a gun)
How comparable is the data though? Isn’t waymo limited to specific areas?
I’m gonna stop being passive and pleasant and start speaking my mind.
I subconsciously skipped the entire text after a few words and didn’t even realize or think about why until I saw this comment. OPs style of writing is exhausting. If they talk like that in person, that would explain a lot.
The real reason Frodo needed to go to Valinor to find peace
Quest was neat, fun tileset, characters are interesting.
The new arcanes look like you can build some wacky powerful stuff with them, will be interesting to see how they scale once I actually manage to get one maxed.
I feel like it will take a couple weeks to months to actually see everything there is to see in the update, both in terms of new weapons/warframe/build possibilities and story wise.
Wasn’t one of the endings of Witcher 3 that Ciri goes through the trial of the grasses and becomes a witcher? Seems pretty damn possible to me.
Thank you, I saw Tesa recommended on Reddit, Gerband is so much better for duct tape uses. Tesa just leaves horrible residue everywhere.