
  • 2 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2024


  • Not all nations rely in fossil fuels

    Please list some countries that run on 100% renewables that are massively building AI datacenters, I’ll wait. Meanwhile, consider that useful things could be done with the energy required for AI. Even other uses for AI would be better, like automating menial labor or detecting cancer. Instead AI voices replace and devalue human artistic expression, not because they are better, but because they are cheaper.

  • Der Klimawandel als aktuelles Massensterben ist mMn weitaus tragischer weil er, anders als die vergangenen, verhinderbar ist(/war?). Warum es Menschen gibt, die das nicht interessiert und denen das durch Menschen verursachte Massensterben egal ist, kann ich nicht sagen. Anscheinend gibt es Menschen, die entweder ohne jegliche Empathie vor sich hinvegetieren oder sie wissen/verstehen einfach nicht was passiert.

  • Quest was neat, fun tileset, characters are interesting.
    The new arcanes look like you can build some wacky powerful stuff with them, will be interesting to see how they scale once I actually manage to get one maxed.
    I feel like it will take a couple weeks to months to actually see everything there is to see in the update, both in terms of new weapons/warframe/build possibilities and story wise.