The egg snail brain control thing sound like animorphs but that was live action. I do remember a cult of white haired evil druids but can’t place that
The egg snail brain control thing sound like animorphs but that was live action. I do remember a cult of white haired evil druids but can’t place that
There is a script that tries pushfit list but not sure if that is still working (edit: no pushfit has gone private I think or just dead), otherwise wait for the gdpr. Mine took about 3weeks but did come through, I think I got in just before the rush though as request the end of the first blackout week.
What are you using to prove all your comments are gone? If you are just looking in your profile it will.be empty as Reddit doesn’t bump comments into the list unless somone votes on them. So if you delete your new 1000 it doesn’t promote the 1001st into that list likewise if you delete your top 1000 it won’t promote the 1001st until someone drops a vote on one.
Try googling your username and Reddit and see what is there (I found hundreds even though your profile was showing only two)
I mean its a little far fetched a simple helmet protects the kmal yet the enterprise hull let it through no problems (until pack modulates the shield), but wont let that get in the way of a good story.
No and thats the point, passive listening is not suitable for 1to1 interactions and some form of active listening should always be employed
That would be just taking in the information but not giving any sort of feedback. Like sitting in a lecture that doesn’t allow questions, but in a 1to1
I thought media would be pulled direct and text and links on the thread is what is federated
Even if you are in the right and court will release you…that could be in 3 or 4 days time after you have spent time under arrest and had the “ride” to holding cell.
That is not the definition of active and passive listening I had heard.
Active listen is being engaged asking questions and showing empathy outwardly. That could be trying to “fix” it but it could also be the “why would they say” type lines or other affirmations that others in this thread are saying both I thought were types of active.
the rich get eaten but the first stage is normally the poor dying in the gutter
I see you have never owned a cat… they find a way usually by just clawing the door up and mewling even louder
I would love it if that was true, but think the impact of the blackout making ALL users unable to access whole swathes of the site might be bigger
So they also lost ranking (I assume to discord that moved up in to 4th place)
yep was going to say kbin if you like old.reddit lemmy if you like new.
I explain the fediverse a bit like all those “local” newspaper websites (that have names like Chathamgazette.org or GainsvilleAdvertiser.com or ChanningtownTimes.net), that in actual fact share 90% of the content on articles (usually all articles written as adverts but that is not part of the analogy here). They have 10% local content that others could access then the pages are made up of material they all share.
yeah, I think that almost builds on my post not contradicts it. Someone may whip out a phone, go to the first result in google and say “there proves my point” without assessing the validity of the source.
Tom embodied the ‘greatest’ generation…his daughter embodies the boomer generation
It is not for the west to believe, it is for their home audience. If a dirty bomb made out of zaporizia goes off nato countries will get involved to help.clean up and control the plant and assist humanitarian efforts. Russia gov then still gets to play victim to its domestic audience blaming it all on other side. And some may be patriotic and want to believe and others will have to engage in doublethink and ‘have’ to believe it or be re-educated.
In a similar vein have ever ready portal to all of human knowledge constantly in our pocket it has killed some avenue of debate in face to face social situations, like out at a bar. In the before time you could spend an entire evening debating which came first or who wrote some film, or which song sold most albums and the argument would not be settled by some whipping out a phone, googling and done.
Yeah so I assume you mean the torrent of data. That is great but to be efficient you need to know what subs you post in otherwise you will be traveling a lot of data. Unless it is hosted and searchable somewhere.