Source for any of this? Would be interested to know more about these points.
While it is humorous that many gun nuts had their data sold and targeted by an algorithm, the real surprised pikachu goes to anyone thinking that this is unique to guns.
Any one have any more info about this? Web site is vague (understandably).
oh… You’re a moron. Got it.
So how do you pay to defend a wrongful death action that can be brought even after a self defense aquittal?
Ha. I think that was in the further reading section of the Wikipedia article. You’re not wrong. I was just providing a this is what happened historically…
See Worcester v. Georgia essentially two states attempted to secede and the federal government stepped in (after first defying the court) to save the union. Does not bode well for the union at this point in history.
This is 100% correct.
Also don’t discount the economic system working as intended. If I get off the hamster wheel to “riot,” my family quickly loses basic necessities.
Once my best alternative to a negotiated resolution moves off that reality (meaning keep my head down and my family will get through this) more options become available. The system is designed to keep a critical majority on the wheel.
Don’t forget they are not being released in isolation. They have existing networks and just proved their loyalty to the cause.
It took me a bit to get there but I finally did. I was genuinely confused. I appreciate the exchange and you sticking with it until I caught up
Ha. The client I use is really bad when the posts get that deep. I was so confused by that comment at first and then in the middle of responding it hit me.
I appreciate the exchange and you sticking with it until I caught up
I am not defending liberals. I was taking issue with what I thought was a liberal-conservative comment. In the context of a law regulating firearms in the USA that is an easy mistake to make.
With that clarification the prior comment by someone of “we are all communists here” and my response demonstrates my mistake.
When did I move goal posts? Honest question.
It’s a NY state bill on an issue related to firearms. In that context it is not strange to read the word liberal on the same context.
Now that I understand you mean liberal v communist it is more clear. Although I don’t understand the significance of a NY liberal vs any other state.
Thanks for clarifying. Considering it is a NY state bill, I assume you can understand my confusion.
Please list the liberals, other than the sponsor, that are in support of the bill.
Edit: assuming that you mean liberal v communist as raised in the other posts, my confusion came from the qualifier “NY.” Aren’t most US politicians liberals in this context? What is it about the NY specific variant that matters in the context of the bill?
It’s hardly being pushed through. It’s currently in an assembly committee. You are reading liberals pushing a bill that will likely not even make it to the floor into the current state of the bill for some reason, which is outside my business.
Never said blue-red. Said conservative-liberal. The point I made is that those are all arbitrary distinctions designed to turn worker on worker.
The realization that the purpose of our lives may be to discover the tactics of resistance that are not effective in hopes that those that come after survive long enough to find the ones that are effective