I also struggle with visual clutter but also need to be able to see everything so a bit contradictory. Hence the bee need to have things visible but organised and also aesthetically pleasing I suppose.
Haha yeah, it’s aimed mostly towards people who struggle with clutter in some way I suppose as she sells solutions (products, advice etc) and has a YouTube channel aimed at that.
I’ve been chasing my meds for over 2 weeks and have had a similar tale of woes. Completely out of stock here but also didn’t find out until I had already faffed around for a few days too. I walked into my Dr’s finally and said to receptionist please help as this is pointless. She assured me pharmacy team would get hold of me. They haven’t. I’ve just given up at this point.
I tried to wipe the coffee stain off my phone.
Sometimes feels like these days are the norm to be honest and the days where I can do stuff is the exception to the rule. I’ve managed to up my work productivity massively with meds and habits but man life is still such a challenge. I find I feel suddenly hopeless whenever I have ‘‘free’’ time.
Nice recommendation :) I really like goblin tools. I used it when I needed to write a letter and couldn’t think where to start. It gave me a structure which was really helpful.
I am soo blind to phone reminders. I have one go off every day telling me what to take to work and it’s just a thing that exists that I jus switch off daily without thinking. Can’t even be bothered to remove it.
Yes me too