Sad yeehaw to my brothers
Sorry, to those Canadians up there too
This isn’t the America we thought we knew
Sad yeehaw to my brothers
Sorry, to those Canadians up there too
This isn’t the America we thought we knew
All I see is Vance with a ball gag in, so fairly accurate
Have you check out the neuro crown devices? They are very work outside and can do some basic games already
Most people don’t join because they were convinced by a recruiter, most people going to escape poverty as it is one of the last things that allow for easier class mobility.
The military is not all out bad like people think, the risk is realistically low (depending on the MOS) and the vast majority will not have anything happen to them
This is just an ad to get you to download their app
As stated above the companies name is Flock Safety
And the CEO is Garett Langley
More info on this loser
The ISS was already scheduled to come down in 2030, this is just stupid postering because musk is a little baby as well
This hit me right in the nostalgia bone haha
This is like the kinda movie that starts with a planetary establishing shot and then you assume it takes place in a different planet, but the plot twist is just global warming and it was earth all along
Why would someone use boost instead of another option?
General curiosity
I wish that they used his last name which is Duckworth for this joke, just the perfect surname for this
Theoretically you only need 3.5% to not be numb and oppose
I mean, I don’t think everyone experiences it the same way and there is an interplay with your personality type that can be adapated to be beneficial
This is entirely based on my own experience watching my adhd change throughout the years.
Now all those random interested have started to accumulate and I’ve changed my relationship with adhd too.
Yeah, my bad came back a few days later and didn’t notice when I posted that
Maybe this game can actually get some love and a sequel
I just highly doubt it would be as sudden, I feel like Trump pokes and prods their ideas.
Sees what kind of push back he gets, either moves forward or begins to put pressure on those who don’t quit, and tries to fire and replace others as well. Rinse and repeat until he gets his way.