All the messages in the trachat are encrypted for me, how do I stop that?
World famous for asking Alaskaball to add Kit/Kit’s pronouns. Also if you read this you are obligated to post Yuri then @ me so I can see it.
All the messages in the trachat are encrypted for me, how do I stop that?
What happened?
If you want to… I guess…
Hell yeah they added the pronouns I asked for
If you keep going you can get strong enough to pick her up when pups least expecting it, could be funny
All sfw, some links under tags because the subreddit and website url aren’t sfw
https://www.reddit.com/r/GWASapphic/comments/15c3890/f4f_your_older_sisters_best_friend_thinks_your/ https://soundgasm.net/u/muffinsmuffins/your-older-sisters-best-friend-thinks-your-pretty-cute
Sleepy cuddles with your prtective girlfriend https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MuoHW9rM5M
Affectionate girlfreind cuddles you to sleep https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l05PTvLVYgY
Ive only just started looking into this sort of stuff, so most of the audio I have saved is older very niche nsfw links, but if i find more sfw then I shall share them
What do you mean? They’re so fun!
I have never seen the full comic before this
Thinking back on realizing I was trans, and I am remembering about a month before I finally realized I had found a sapphic audio subreddit, looked at the titles and has a “god I wish this were me” moment and then just kinda ignored it. Fucking oblivious Just moments like this all over the years that slowly come back to me
Lesbian webtoon my beloved
Two years ago I never understood why people liked asmr but here I am now listening to lesbian cuddling asmr to help me sleep
Concessions to who? Like getting SK to be more of a dog to the USA than it already is?
Is there a strategic reason for Trump trying to soften relations with the DPRK? Only reason I can think of is trying to get the DPRK to support a us war against China, but I doubt they would support that so idk what he is thinking
Been wanting to get into drawing so I can draw my own Yuri, just annoying breaking past my perfectionism to actually draw stuff
Fair, I just have a personal vendetta against the beetle because when I had one it’s engine blew up after 150k miles, which is longer than the car deserved to live on for for how terribley I did maintenance on the car So again my fault but I love complaining
I think I want to get a collar for myself now… I don’t know how to feel about this revalation…
I wouldn’t classify Henry Ford or whatever Volkswagen was doing as good car manufacturing. Those cars were ass
Reopened the app and it magically started working again so idk, also the session is labeled in verified in devices