Oh, baby boy keeps threatening to do just that. He a writer. I still got a copy of the ones he wrote a long time ago. Somewhere. He signed em for me, back then.
Ain’t a half bad idea though. Get me, baby boy, bulldog and little Tony together with a tape recorder and some wine, see what all we can remember.
Instead of queer as folk, it be queer ass folks. Baby boy the token straight, despite the many offers of some fine ass he turned down back then. You know them little gay boys love the idea of a slab of meat like that. I’d be the glamorous queen, bulldog the mean lesbian, and little Tony the sidekick with a tiny dick.
Them was some days, fo damn sho
You know, I don’t think it’s ever been done without exaggerating it. If it ain’t Roadhouse, nobody seems to want to know about it.
A good little documentary about what it can be like would be something I’d watch, and I’ve done it