• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • I agree, the US resolution was not good. That being said, they’ve voted in favor of the other 2 resolutions put forward by other countries since then.

    And I’m sorry, but in a two party system, withholding your vote for 1 candidate is a vote for the other one. Conservatives, since the moment this country was founded, have attempted to deny our dissuade voting to people. Now those people who they have been attempting to deny are just doing it themselves voluntarily.

    I also really do not like the “stop relying on black and brown people” rhetoric. Is it true that the majority of white people are conservative while the majority of POC are progressive? Yeah. But that doesn’t mean the white progressives are relying on POC to “save [our] asses.” If we’re being honest, as a cis straight white middle class male I’ll probably be fine under a Trump presidency. I’ll pay more for goods and probably have my taxes go up, but so will 99% of the population. What I’m voting for though is the desire to lift every single person up and create an even playing field for everyone. Is it going to happen under a Harris presidency? Hell no. Is it going to happen in my lifetime? Probably not. But by voting Dem are we going to get just that little bit closer? Yes. But that’s definitely not going to happen under a Trump presidency, because they will do absolutely everything they can to prevent progress. In fact, they will do everything they can to enact regression as far back as they can. Most Republicans would be perfectly fine with only Anglo -Saxon male land owners being able to vote, and that’s what they’re striving for.

    So hold your vote, that’s your right. But that’s not what your responsibility should be.

  • It’s true that the US vetoed a handful of UN ceasefire resolutions. However, public opinion seems to be swaying them. The last resolution the US proposed called for a ceasefire to protect civilians and aid relief (not far enough, but something), but was vetoed by Russia and China. All subsequent resolutions the US has voted for, but have likewise been vetoed by those 2 countries.

    The Dems have no power in Congress, so any sort of embargo or can on their part is never going to pass. In fact early on there were multiple attempts at calls for a ceasefire by multiple Democrats, but it wouldn’t even make the floor thanks to conservative Democrats like Pelosi, Manchin, and Costa.

    But by idly sitting by and showing protest by inaction, it’s potentially handing complete control over to the Republicans when they’re potentially at their most extreme. With Trump in command you’re now looking at mass deportation of Muslims and Latinos, active participation in Middle East conflicts like Palestine and Iran. Not to mention all of the other issues we’ll now have to contend with like states gaining the ability to limit the rights of LGBTQ, POC, and women to an extreme (Tennessee is already attempting to make it so people of “non-traditional” marriages can be denied a license based on individual ideologies of the official).

    I agree that what’s going on in Palestine is horrible and I wish that the Biden administration and the rest of the old-guard Democrats weren’t so afraid of being called antisemitic just for standing up against the catastrophies of Israel, but that’s the hand we’ve been dealt.

    As Cori Bush said, it’s about voting strategy over good conscience. There’s times in life where you don’t want to do something, but it’s what needs to be done. Ultimately do you feel that your want to vote against Harris is more important than the need for Trump to not be in office, because you need to understand that a non-vote is in fact a vote for Trump.

  • The answer to both of these is their constituency. In order to stay in power, the parties need to move in the general direction of their voters. Democratic voters are more likely to be against the attacks on Gaza and the Palestinians. Republican voters are more likely to be in favor of bombing the hell out of “terrorists.”

    Therefore, Democrats are more likely to be swayed towards the side of let’s not support Netanyahu. By that chain, less deaths will occur (addendum: with US help) with the Democrats in power.

    Right now, Biden is doing business as usual. Same trades and sales to Israel as the US has always done. Trump though has said that he’d just bomb them to “finish the problem.”

    Progress is led by the people, not the politicians.

  • Sorry for the potato quality. These are all of my current missions and, for example, I have really nothing else to do to find Artemis (even though I haven’t. Last thing was them sending me some coordinates to a signal tower). I’ve spent just so many nanites on blueprints and I’ve done 1 Nexus mission, but it wasn’t with another player because I play at weird times and have only ever seen someone in the Nexus once.

    To fill things out, my objective for Ghosts in the Machine is “collect nanites to buy technology upgrades” which I’ve done a bunch, and for Atlas Eternal it’s “find a wonder to show the Atlas” which I’ve done a few times with no change (this one feels just like the Base Computer Archives mission that just keeps sending me to the same place over and over).