It was a cheap domestic flight for only $100, I didn’t see it as worth it
It was a cheap domestic flight for only $100, I didn’t see it as worth it
So the flight was scheduled for 12:00. They kept announcing that it was delayed to 1:00, 2:00, and then at 2:55 they stopped announcing new delays. The flight ended up boarding at 3:30, but because they didn’t announce the delay every customer service rep said that I wasn’t entitled to compensation.
We have something similar in Canada. One of the budget airlines screwed us out of it by not declaring the delays past 2 hours 55 minutes. The flight ended up being delayed by 4 hours, but when I went for my refund they pulled out the declared delay.
Oh wow, thats incredible! Looks like I have my Sunday project now.
Is it dynamic, or does it use the existing Nvidia Optimus utilities?
I’ve tried what popOS had around 6 months ago, and it wasn’t what I wanted. I needed to manually launch apps with the GPU. I want it to work like it does in windows where when the igpu gets too much load it dynamically switches to the dgpu.
The only thing keeping me on windows is the Nvidia GPU in my laptop. If Linux got actual dynamic GPU switching support I would delete windows and never look back.
No, because I’m Canadian and our healthcare system actually cares about us. When I donate blood I know that it’s going to a person that needs it and they they won’t be saddled with debt for the rest of their life.
If you look at anyone with recent German ancestry, you’ll find nazis. One of my great grandfathers was a nazi. Is that some kind indictment against me? Does it outweigh the other three ancestors that fought against fascism? I don’t understand why people make such a big deal out of this.
What a garbage article lol. The only two arguments I can pick out are 1. Old steam games haven’t been updated to work on macOS and 2. Some games require 3rd party launchers. I think the author was just angry that his mac dropped support for a 20 year old game.
I lived in one for close to a decade. Yeah they are kinda shitty and major are in disrepair, but I think my sentiment about needing fast and cheap housing still holds. In Canada at least, our rate of population growth has outpaced our rate of new housing construction for years. We need a major course correction to fix this crisis.
I think that we are doomed unless we undertake USSR levels of building housing. For all of its faults, housing was one of the ideas that the USSR did much better at than America. Millions and millions of units of housing built over less than a decade.
Words cannot describe how happy I am that my chance if getting shot over a minor traffic argument are 0. I can’t imagine what it’s like to live knowing that at any moment a lunatic with a gun can decide to kill you.
It’s the same in Russian. “Людоед” which is literally “people-eater” is the more common word.
Those people probably saw their homes rise in value 10x over their lifetimes. They’re not stuck renting shoeboxes for $2000 a month like the rest of us.
I dont think I’m American enough to understand this. How does wanting people to have freedom to use their systems as they please correlate with everyone being able to own and freely carry weapons that can kill instantly?
IMO threads should be defederated on principle. Having a massive and evil corporation like Facebook here goes completely against the spirit of the protocol.
I would agree, clothes have never really affected me. I did a 150 km ride around my city wearing jorts and a wind breaker.
It is, but after spending like 5 hours arguing with different customer service reps about it I decided that it wasn’t worth my time. The company went out of business later anyways.