I would imagine everyone had it because the no E-Sports scene.
I want Communism to happen so everyone can have a good time.
I would imagine everyone had it because the no E-Sports scene.
The plagiarism and data theft machines will continue to plagiarize and steal data until the whole apparatus is a hall of mirrors.
Surely this is a sustainable technology that will be used for the betterment of eCommerce and worldwide trading.
But seriously though it’s such a fuckin’ waste of time, effort, resources, and general computation (both human and machine) that crytocurrency is even a thing. It’s the definition of “a solution looking for a problem” in my book. It just seems like computer wizards would be better served doing just about anything else. Though it sucks to know that it’s either crypto scum, writing code for the panopticon, or working on the T-800s to bomb to deploy overseas and eventually in poor neighborhoods at home.
I hate that ever vampire and parasite in American life gets the heads-up on bad news EVERY goddamn time. They did the same shit with COVID-19, 9/11, the Housing Crash. I don’t want to sound like a tinfoil weirdo but this shit certainly drives you to start thinking that way.
Don’t get me wrong fuck this guy, but I hate the fact that CNN and other “mainstream media” people don’t say “The fuck is wrong with you dude? Are you for real bro?” live. They offer ZERO push-back or resistance, they go “hmm… let’s cut to ads”, and then they wonder why everyone hates them.
MSNBC hiring the youngest YouTuber they can find.
I hate every single word in that headline. GOddamn I hate the penal/criminal “Justice” system so much. I think people often overlook/forget just how much our prisons are nightmare factories. They only produce bad and worse outcomes.
Most all of the FOSS alternatives that have popped up over the last ten years have been major. There is a decent FOSS alternative for just about everything I need on the computer.
Every day I’m reminded of the blessing of having normal relationship with my Pops. It’s so strange to hear the popular “daddy” trope in earnest. It’s really fuckin’ weird.
I think 99.9% of Americans would think inside of their heads that being able to to afford a car every 5 years by vaporizing a whole city is a good trade off
Goddamn that’s 100% true. I don’t even want my car (I have to one because there is no alternative) but the idea of needing to “upgrade” every 3-7 years is insane to me. I want to keep this one vehicle until the wheels fall off.
I remember hearing about this from the The Dollop, and it made me a bit bummed that anti-china is just a deeply rooted in American labor. It’s really stupid because the average dude in China has no real beef with you, so why have beef with them? Hate your boss, not your fellow worker.
The title bloat in MEGACORP America is nonsense. “vice president of trade and working capital sales” could be a fancy term for middle management who makes some decent money. This certainly not one of the final bosses of capital, this is barely even a name special enemy.
Also this seems really “domestic abuse”-y.
There are like three Sayians lefts, you can’t royalty of a race that can’t staff a 5-man pick-up game.
You’re NOT crazy. You’re just a dude who can read and do back analysis on his reality.
I’m going to make a ARPG and this is 420% going to be a source image for boss monster design.
Quality gameplay (of whatever genre your game is) is infinitely more important that the amount of “content” to me. It’s becoming more apparent that the average “AAA” title is padding and filler with a dash of gameplay rather gameplay with a dash of filler and padding.
Knowing how evil works makes me mad, not knowing how evil me mad but in a worse way. A good podcast that informs me is the good mad.