2 years agoI’m rereading Asimov’s complete saga in “internal story chronological order”:
I, Robot / The Complete Robot (except ‘Mirror Image’!) [ROBOTS]
The Caves of Steel [ROBOTS]
The Naked Sun [ROBOTS]
Mirror Image (short story) [ROBOTS]
The Robots of Dawn [ROBOTS]
Robots and Empire [ROBOTS]
The Stars, Like Dust-- [EMPIRE]
The Currents of Space [EMPIRE]
Pebble in the Sky [EMPIRE]
Prelude to Foundation [FOUNDATION]
Forward the Foundation [FOUNDATION]
Foundation [FOUNDATION]
Foundation and Empire [FOUNDATION]
Second Foundation [FOUNDATION]
Foundation’s Edge [FOUNDATION]
Foundation and Earth [FOUNDATION]
I’m currently on “Forward the foundation”
You should definitely play “The Stanley parable” if you haven’t yet