An ethnostate that’s also acting fascistic?! No wayyy /s
If full time Walmart employees need government assistance programs to afford food and pay their rent, is it not Walmart who is leaning on government assistance?
An ethnostate that’s also acting fascistic?! No wayyy /s
If you remember, he tried not to by hinging it on a bogus investigation into Berisma and he also discontinued all support later after presumably discarding Zelenskyy since he had nothing more to give the admin politically in an era of ally abandonment. Notably, all of this abandonment is good for Putin.
It’s arguable that Trump isn’t so much an ally of Putin, but someone hoping to benefit from him as an attack dog to leverage power with our actual allies, but it’s been shown time and time again that Trump does not have either the ability or the will to reign in Putin, so the end result is virtually identical to treating him as an ally – except the added national embarassment of inconsistent messaging.
The alternative is that Trump is reigning him in, but it’s through personal favors that we may never know about. This is the entire Russiagate justification.
Oranjello and Lemonjello
Progressives tend to out perform in red states
Makes a lot of sense that the IDF are the same people largely training cops in the US. Conflicting logic and orders so no matter what they get to shoot.
Poor guy, is he being carried by a firefighter?
Hexuple may not have been enough further down to describe it
Here we have the pretext for why he wins with 80% of the vote, “we corrected the fraud.”
These fascists may be stupid as a box of rocks, but they do think one step ahead.
He literally did this shit last time too and nobody batted at eye, it was months after his virtue signaling about free speech and he defended it by saying, “What else could I do uwu? Not have service in Turkey?”
Presumably the president saying that it’s going to use the entire federal executive to boost a single failing company’s shortcomings is good for buyer confidence. At this point it should be nationalized for as much money has been handed to that company from our pockets.
I didn’t need proof that Trump doesn’t care about Americans, but that really should have been enough proof for everyone. They kicked a pregnant woman when she was down and used brass knuckles on peaceful protesters on American soil… not a peep from Trump
I guess this answers the question of whether they drink their own lemonade. These people are actually stupid enough to believe they’re on the right side here.
I remember how disappointed everyone was when Hillary was clearly sick on the campaign trail and she was denying it even after they shoved her sideways into a getaway car on camera… I was hoping we’d lean away from lying about blatantly obvious truths caught in 4k, but it appears we’ve hexupled down instead.
This is something Vaush goes back to a lot on his streams. Modern Republicans don’t believe in anything anymore, and so there’s no point in continuing to debate them. It’s like arguing with a monkey throwing poop to be a left leaning debater.
Looks like maybe cut an artery on the window to me. Scary stuff all around.
From what I understand, it’s a major felony to tamper with food. The notes are not touching the food, but it certainly isn’t a good feeling that some groyper had their grubby fingers on your purchased product.
Another bit I think people are missing… Signal is not a government contracted app. They’re trying to avoid written records that can be FOIAed
Anyone else who finds it too convenient that qanon started in Trump’s first term and immediately this is gaining prominence? Distraction campaigns clearly work and we really need to prevent these angry boomers yelling at town halls from reverting to being internet conspiracy theorists with this nonsense.
Way to validate your opposition’s supposedly wrong actions in nearly the same breath, stooge.
Democrats share their lists whenever each other are in tight races. It’s annoying that you end up getting perma-spammed, but I do think ActBlue is providing a good service. They’re kinda shooting themselves in the foot because unsolicited emails get flagged as spam and most email providers use crowdsourced spam detect.