With the triangles, it looks a lot like Plasma’s recent wallpapers
With the triangles, it looks a lot like Plasma’s recent wallpapers
I actually use some metric when measuring around the house for projects, especially for anything shorter than an inch. I can’t be bothered to figure out 1/16 of an inch…it’s easier in mm.
I set all my digital clocks to 24hr mode, something I picked up after living in Europe. Would never go back.
This too shall pass.
I guess I must have always had it collapsed. In the new Outlook, they removed the option to remove or collapse it.
Outlook is trying to force that on users as well…it’s really a waste of screen real estate for those of us who never use that toolbar.
Third this
I like the ability to navigate by swiping, and also Liftoff handles images better than any of the other apps. There’s a slight loading delay on Connect and Jerboa, whereas in Liftoff, the image opens right away and you can easily swipe it away to close it.
Nice, looks like the icon is updated as well!
Right now my main app is Liftoff, with Jerboa being a very close second.
I actually clicked on “continue without Amazon Prime” once and the next screen said congratulations new prime member. I had to search how to undo my free month trial that auto renews smh
Jerboa seems to have better navigation IMHO. You can swipe back. I don’t like how you have to use the back button on Connect. I also noticed that Connect has changed its icon for the 3rd time since I installed it last week.
Same thing happened to me, the log in icon just kept spinning.
From the thumbnail I was thinking that was a big cigarette…