So they stole money from a black person
What a surprise. Nothing changes in this world, white people are still nazis and incredibly racist towards black people
So they stole money from a black person
What a surprise. Nothing changes in this world, white people are still nazis and incredibly racist towards black people
Affirmative Action helped get rid of all white classrooms and workplaces, it worked. Taking it away means we’re just going to go back to an all white America. I’m sorry to tell you this but people are not inherently good or bad, we have to make laws like AA otherwise things would never change. We had to force the South to desegregate at gun point
A deeply racist state like Texas is never going to have racial equality without being forced to, just like the South was never going to desegregate unless forced to
And in California where they got rid of AA in 1996, Black attendance in higher education immediately dropped and it hasn’t even recovered yet to what it was before 1996
There’s a professor in another university who literally used to tweet about black people being subhuman and asian people too and routinely would tell them to go back to their countries on twitter, but she was never fired because SHE had tenure at a pretty well known law school
I honestly don’t understand this country
Oh please, less African Nations are allied with Russia now than there were 4 years ago
Russia and China are losing influence in Africa fast
anime pfp being racist? wow, what a shocker…
I have no clue either as you misread what I wrote. MicroWave is correct, that was my meaning.
BBC is not a news organization, it’s government propaganda as it always was intended
the BBC loves to push genocide denial, what a wonderful group of people over there in jolly old England
Well, because it is actually
The county also discovered nearly 1,000 bioengineered mice. Wang Zhaolin, a representative of Prestige Biotech – the company operating the lab – told county investigators that the mice were genetically engineered to catch and carry the COVID-19 virus
I mean if you don’t want conspiracy theories to spread then don’t make them true to begin with
Yeah there’s really no need for so many dams anymore, they were built to power hydroelectric stations that are no longer needed so this is a good thing.
“Why not just let nature take its course? Well, nature didn’t take its course when dams got put in. We can’t pretend this gigantic change in the landscape has not happened and we can’t just ignore the fact that invasive species are a big problem in the west and in California,” said Dave Meurer, director of community affairs for Resource Environmental Solutions, the company leading the restoration project. “Our goal is to give nature a head start.”
Which is another really good point, sadly there’s a lot of invasive plant species that were unknowingly brought over by Europeans mostly for ornamental purposes which have had a devastating effects on native plant life
Yeah, I mean make no mistake, Africa has it’s problems but change is certainly happening for the better in Africa from what I remember.
I mean if you want to talk about attacks on homosexuals, I can clearly recall Eastern Europeans attacking gay people in the 1990’s, especially in Poland where it was the worst
While ahead of the 2015 Polish parliamentary election, the ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party took an anti-migrant stance, in the run-up to the 2019 Polish parliamentary election the party has focused on countering Western “LGBT ideology”.[67] Several Polish municipalities and four Voivodeships made so-called “LGBT-free zone” declarations, partly in response to the signing of a declaration in support of LGBTQ rights by Warsaw mayor Rafał Trzaskowski.[67][70] While only symbolic, the declared zones signal exclusion of the LGBT community. The right wing Gazeta Polska newspaper issued “LGBT-free zone” stickers to readers.[71] The Polish opposition and diplomats, including US ambassador to Poland Georgette Mosbacher, condemned the stickers.[72][73] The Warsaw district court ordered that distribution of the stickers should halt pending the resolution of a court case.[74] However Gazeta’s editor dismissed the ruling saying it was “fake news” and censorship, and that the paper would continue distributing the sticker.[75] Gazeta continued with the distribution of the stickers, but modified the decal to read “LGBT Ideology-Free Zone”.[74]
In August 2019, multiple LGBT community members have stated that they feel unsafe in Poland. Foreign funded NGO All Out organization launched a campaign to counter the attacks, with about 10,000 people signing a petition shortly after the campaign launch.[76] 2019 saw a rise of violence directed against Pride marches, including the attacks at the first Białystok Equality March[77][78] and a bombing attempt made at a Lublin march, stopped by the police.[79][80]
In the 2020 Polish presidential election, President Andrzej Duda focused heavily on LGBT issues, stating “LGBT is not people, it’s an ideology, which is more harmful than Communism”. He narrowly won re-election.[81][82] According to ILGA-Europe’s 2020 report, Poland is ranked worst among European Union countries for LGBT rights.[83] On 7 August 2020, 47 people were arrested in Polish Stonewall mass arrest. Some of them were peacefully protesting the arrest of Margot, an LGBT activist, while others were passerby.[84] The Polish Ombudsman criticized human rights violations by the police
And honestly, much of it is Russian influence, countries that were behind the Iron Curtain for so long have had a hard time adjusting to western values, and the wall only came down in 1989, within many peoples lifetime
Which African Leader? According to the article only a handful of leaders went as opposed to 2019
Fewer than 20 of Africa’s 54 heads of state or government attended the Russia summit, while 43 attended the previous gathering in 2019, reflecting concerns over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine even as Moscow seeks more allies on the African continent of 1.3 billion people
That commitment, with no details, follows Putin’s promise to start shipping 25,000 to 50,000 tons of grain for free to each of six African nations in the next three to four months — an amount dwarfed by the 725,000 tons shipped by the U.N. World Food Program to several hungry countries, African and otherwise, under the grain deal.
Jesus, 725,000 tons compared to 50, it’s no wonder African Nations are not at all happy
Also it should be noted that only a handful of African leaders went, as opposed to back in 2019. African Nations are well aware it seems that backing Russia is a bad idea
I just wish they’d kick out China next, both Russia and China have had a terrible influence on Africa and have kept them in bondage for decades.
for some principle the victim doesn’t want to stand for
So we should all just let racism flourish then and not stand against it? The victim here isn’t being threatened with violence, and they have friends too, so why then run away? Running away from problems never solves anything
Reddit and Twitter are both heavily liberal
reddit is not at all liberal, it couldn’t be more of a racist website if it tried
It’s celebrity news regarding a known white supremacist, her fanbase is notoriously disgusting and racist and often attacks people of color.
This community doesn’t need that kind of garbage, there’s plenty of it on reddit
I don’t want this community to have celebrity news in it
At no point did I make any argument that the entire burden should rest on your shoulders and your shoulders alone, nor would I ever. This is a shared burden amongst all of us. Letting racism take control of our lives is an admission of defeat and I will not tolerate that in my country.
The burden is not on you, it’s on us
In California, not the rest of America