I’m extremely left leaning, pretty much all of the top voted replies to you are ridiculous. Clearly this is already an echo chamber
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I’m extremely left leaning, pretty much all of the top voted replies to you are ridiculous. Clearly this is already an echo chamber
I did learn metric in school, did you not? I’m in Ohio, not sure if it’s different elsewhere. Typically it was tied to physics and chemistry, but still learned it.
I use both metric and imperial for work. But the issue is changing every single street sign, updating all of our school material, etc would cost the country billions of dollars and it just isn’t worth it at this point.
It happened every morning in my school, but we weren’t forced. I would routinely just stay seated and not say the pledge, personally.
There is not a public release just yet, but just yesterday Artemis tripled or quadrupled the amount of people they onboarded! Scaling up very quickly.
Granted this was 6 years ago, but I met my now fiancée on bumble. It might be worse now, not sure
Artemis is taking large inspiration from Apollo, while still being unique so it’s not an exact clone. The magazine is /m/ArtemisApp!
For all we know Christian is talking to a lawyer behind the scenes, it’s typically not recommended by attorneys to announce that you plan on suing someone
I’ve heard public transit is pretty good in DC, too. My fiancée and I are planning a trip to DC at the end of August. I plan on parking my car at the hotel and just use public transit, so we’ll test that theory.
EDIT: Also, I’ve never been to Salt Lake City. Seems like a really cool place though!
Agreed, the only cities that I’ve been to that had decent public transport were Chicago (The L) and New York City.
I’m a Controls Engineer, from the day I started university in 2015, I’ve pretty constantly heard the phrase “You’re an engineer, figure it out!” Even when it comes to something that is completely unrelated to my field, which is mostly everything.
I’m hoping that Hariette will respond to one of us soon and agree to open-sourcing the project. Thank you everyone in the Artemis community <3