You are giving them too much credit if you think they can take measurements and conduct research.
You are giving them too much credit if you think they can take measurements and conduct research.
I can sudo. Last time I looked into this, Memtest86+ version 6 was required to work with UEFI but it wasn’t available for Ubuntu 22.04. Now it seems that 24.04 has it, so I might update and see if I can get the test running. Thanks for the suggestion!
I can’t run memtest unfortunately. The option isn’t there and I don’t have permission to boot from a USB stick.
I do have an interview scheduled, just saying…
It wouldn’t affect boot though.
I just did that! Brilliant idea, thanks!
That’s a good idea. If I can get it to boot today, I will check the logs, thanks!
It’s not hard to reproduce, but it’s annoying that when they finally came here to check it, no problems happened. I had to bug them so much to even get them to have a look.
I don’t accept your answer. I know deep in my heart that it’s 4.
That example sentence would function exactly the same if it was separated by a period; nothing is gained by using a semicolon. No new information is added; you are just going to make people wonder why there is a semicolon there making the sentence less comprehensible.
FTFY. You aren’t supposed to separate two independent clauses with a comma.
How come clay isn’t 100% clay?
I have already seen data having to be thrown away because the researcher copied and pasted it incorrectly from multiple spreadsheets and no one could tell what the correct data was anymore. No one should be doing this if they are responsibly doing “real analytical work”.
You are completely right, and the Open Science movement is catching on. The idea is to give everyone access to the (anonymised) data and use only tools that are freely accessible, even to scientists from developing countries without Microsoft licenses, so that they too can rerun your analyses and verify your results. You shouldn’t be getting downvoted.
Seriously living in the worst timeline.
It really doesn’t get any worse than people downvoting our posts or saying they don’t agree with us when we post things on the Internet for other people to read. So much bullying! I say we should go back to the good old times when people who felt insulted, whether the insult was real or imagined, would challenge you for a duel at sunset in front of the saloon.
If you own a name, you can grant anyone you want permission to use that name. It’s not illegal.
I am not that old, please.
What separates us from the reptiles is that we can get our body temperature UP by burning calories. If you run hot, you can only passively cool down by sweating lots or walking around naked, I guess. If you aren’t sweating lots, you aren’t losing significant excess heat. But the actual point of the OP is that many people who are even only 40 lb overweight already eat in excess of 150 kcal, never mind 50. If this is how ketosis works, they wouldn’t run super hot, but they would also never get to a normal weight. Also, you can achieve the same effect by exercising or even just drinking cold water. Think about how many people got thin by doing this.
BTW, when you drink tea etc, your body reduces heat production to compensate.
Which is bullshit because they are not running a fever, which would be extremely unhealthy anyway.
If this was true, your body temperature would just sky rocket.
I did run a similar test and there were no errors detected. Thanks anyway!