Give Pokemon Unbound a try! It’s leagues better than anything GameFreak has put out in the last 10 years!
Give Pokemon Unbound a try! It’s leagues better than anything GameFreak has put out in the last 10 years!
Do you have a good source for learning about .zims? I’ve only ever seen it as Wikipedia use. :)
I understand. I was more of making the point that YouTube will continue to do this, and warning others to be prepared for the worst!
Emulators that were installed through Emudeck!
Oh, so like every venue that he’s ever been to, where he said he’d pay, and then didn’t? Big surpise Pikachu face over here, let me tell ya.
It’s the game that I wished GameFreak would make. It’s got it’s… silly story moments, but isn’t that just a Pokemon staple at this point?
The mechanics were what really impressed me the most. Everything that I loved about Pokemon, all wrapped up in a very well done manner. I’m excited for you to give it a try!
Also, there is Pokemon Brown (older style than Unbound, but supposedly very very good), Pokemon Uranium (more of the type of hack that I normally wouldn’t play since it includes Fakemon, but Nintendo went after it at one point, so I downloaded it as soon as I could!), and Pokemon Insurgence (I believe Nintendo went after this one too, but I might be wrong!).
There is also a community project that lists whatever they run across. I don’t remember it right now either, but it might be on the PokeCommunity website. :)
I’ve beaten most of the older Pokemon games, DS and 3DS included, all on the SteamDeck.
I put ~40 hours into Pokemon Unbound (FANTASTIC Pokemon game, I highly recommend it!!!), and beaten it. I’ve also recently gotten the Pokemon Sword and Shield Ultimate Plus rom hack downloaded, and will play through that once I finish the other mainline games. I might make a pitstop into Pokemon Emerald Seaglass, as I just ADORE the art style of that game.
DefJam Fight for NY, King’s Field 4, Custom Robo, Legend of Zelda Minish Cap, Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past, Legend of Zelda Oracle Series. All of them beaten on the SteamDeck, with achievements from RetroAchivements!
I have never been as happy as I am with the SteamDeck. Fantastic retro gaming device! :)
I’ve been downloading my favorite long form retrospective videos for a few weeks now getting ready for YouTube just shit itself in stupidity.
Yes, games and programs that are games adjacent are mainly what I use.
I’ve happily gamed on openSUSE, but have only been successful with anything through Steam. Some GOG games work, but I tried a few abandonware games (Sims 1, Sims 2) and could never get them installed properly for whatever reasons. Because of this, and the programs such as save editors, I actually went and created a KVM just for those Windows programs that I didn’t want to reboot just to get back into Windows for.
Either way, I have “tweaked” Windows with ChrisTitusTech’s Windows Utility just so I can block/remove as much telemetry and tracking as possible. I pine for privacy through Linux though. :/
I am wanting to help more though, so I’ve been to a few GitHub repos (wemod-launcher) to try and help them when I run into a problem on openSUSE. I may be a noob, but I want to try and help those that are trying to help convert those lost like I still hanging on to Windows for their niche stuff.
I’ve heard the right tool for the right job before. I just truly do love Linux, and want to only stay on there. :(
@The_Picard_Maneuver@lemmy.world and @MyNameIsAtticus@lemmy.world, please accept your standing ovations!
Oh! I see what you mean, yes. FBI is probably more on home turf, while CIA is more broad. My comment was basically a tongue in cheek way of saying these FBI agents need to stand their ground since Trump would have no problem at all getting rid of them if they start to waiver, just like he did the CIA agents his first term.
I am not good at making my points. :')
Yeah, stuff that is able to be taught is vital to have archives, but some Twitch streamer playing some MMO/shooter/scary game isn’t what I would consider very imperative to get backed up. :P
It doesn’t help that people put silly things onto the IA. I’ve seen some things like YouTube videos that really didn’t need to be there (they have, objectively, nothing of value enough to warrant taking up space on these servers that could be used for more important materials…).
Don’t quote me on this, but I believe that allied countries and the US have agreements with each other that they can send spies into each others country as long as they’re working within the agreement. Also, I’m sure, they’re probably doing not so good things in other countries with no agreement, so.
Yes, going off of your reply, I can assume that the myriad programs that I run into that I might like to use are much much more niche in my case.
Thank you for your reply! It is good to finally get some sense of what kind of stuff people on Linux only use. I am probably just a niche example, but it still sucks since I want to ONLY use Linux. :/
Don’t forget about all those agents around the world who were killed after Trump gave their names to one of our enemies, Russia.
I can safely say that over 20 years of mainly Windows, I have never had any crashes or bugs. Ever.
I was using the same install of Windows since 2017, up to 2021, without a single issue. Why I had to reinstall it was because of a foolish mistake on my part, late late at night, trying to install Linux on a spare SSD I had lying around thanks to a laptop was really struggling to do anything any longer. Again, this was my fault 100% as I didn’t understand SDA/SDB/etc. I do now though!
With Linux, there is always something that prevents me from using my computer in a manner that I would consider “normal”. I mainly game. I use save editors, WeMod, and love to use mods on games that support it. I like how easy it is to set up my NAS, through Windows, without any extra fussing around in some config file somewhere. I like that I can just do what I’m planning to do with the computer that day, unlike in Linux where sometimes I can’t even do something basic like set a jpg as a poster for a downloaded YouTube video on Plex that is all hosted on my NAS. On openSUSE, apparently I can’t just do that. There is some arbitrary permissions issue preventing me from doing that, while on Windows, it just works.
Sometimes I wonder what actual programs Linux permanents use on the daily. I truly find it hard to believe it is a lot of applications, because most of the applications I like/need to use, will not work on Linux through Wine/Bottles/Proton. Nor do they have a Linux alternative. It makes me sad, because I truly want to get off that OS, but the wide amount of things I like to do always get snagged up on something in Linux.
All this to say that I absolutely fucking LOVE Linux, what it stands for, and the idea behind it. Just a counter argument, is all.
P.S. I’ve been an on and off again Linux noob since at least 2010, and even today, I am still trying to make the move. It’s just not as simple as the Linux evangelicals like to say it is.
I’m glad it is, truly. I just wish I would’ve known sooner so I could join…
Hearing about this 4 days before it was going to happen just seems like poor planning…
You need a solid month at the very minimum if you really want people to see, prepare, and be there…
Probably when they started getting bribes for good game reviews! :P