• 4 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • Hi @OP. I tried the demo, and I get this:

    | metadata_json_to_import |
    | NULL                    |
    1 row in set (0.015 sec)

    This is done on an actual working DB. Not sure what this about? Do you want me to open an issue on GitHub? This is on MariaDB and I seem some of the code posts like this:

    WITH fk_info as (
    ":    ->   (SELECT (@fk_info:=NULL),
         ->               (SELECT (0)
        ->                FROM (SELECT kcu.table_schema,
    m    ->                 kcu.table_name,
          ->                 kcu.column_name as fk_column,
        ->                 kcu.constraint_name as foreign_key_name,
        ->                 kcu.referenced_table_schema as reference_schema,
    o    ->                 kcu.referenced_table_name as reference_table,
         ->                 kcu.referenced_column_name as reference_column,
        ->                 CONCAT('FOREIGN KEY (', kcu.column_name, ') REFERENCES ',
          ->                        kcu.referenced_table_name, '(', kcu.referenced_column_name, ') ',
        ->                        'ON UPDATE ', rc.update_rule,
        ->                        ' ON DELETE ', rc.delete_rule) AS fk_def

    So the formatting seems to screw up the query, or am I wrong?

    My idea is to incorporate your tool into my GitLab pipelines eventually, so thank you VERY much for this project.