Here we go again with the back pedalling and false equivalences.
In the case of slavery, you cannot free a slave by prohibiting him from being a slave. He would just be under control of his master AND illegal.
Making it illegal the authorities it will free all the slaves that the authorities know about. It won’t free them all immediatly, but it will free a considerable amount. Eventually with time, all (statistically) the slaves will be known and they’ll be free. If we are waiting for the master to change minds, slavery would still be legal and if you don’t know it, traditional slavery ended by guns, when the british forced the last slave traders (the arabs) to stop the practice in the 60s!!!
That’s dumb.
Yes, let’s allow slavery again. It was dumb to forbid it. /s
That is why it seems dumb and dangerous to me to fight a religion when you should fight morals.
Why not both? Shitty ideas need to be fought as well.
So while it may be a correct replacement of true freedom in specific countries, it is still less than true liberty, and still a way of oppressing muslim people in france.
Where is the discrimination when the rules are the same for everybody?
But there are a lot of women who wear it by choice, and banning it is bad for them
First, the ban is about girls (which is the people who attend schools), not adult women and it affects only the school premises. Why is it bad for them? It offends their sky daddy? Why is it bad to look like everybody else around? Why then don’t they use large clothes without the religious connotations? They can use xxxl cloths, hell, they can even use a potato sack.
Egypt and France are also very different examples. In one, almost every girl is concerned by the forced hijab problem, while in France it’s only a minority.
And because it’s a minority it should be ignored? The law exists to protect the most vunerable ones. It doesn’t matter if it’s 1000 or 1000000.
When we allowed women to wear pants, we did not prohibit dresses and skirts. It should be the same here : true freedom is to choose, not to be forced in any way.
Again a false equivalence. This is getting boring. Tell me, can you enter a church in a bikini? Can i enter a mosque with shoes? Can you enter a factory (the production line) with a skirt? The abaya isn’t prohibited from the society. They can use it outside schools.
I stopped reading here. The last data that i have from 2021 says that there were 37 kills by law enforcement in France alone. Compare that with the 57 from canada (same year, 2021, and with a way smaller population).
I won’t be wasting more of my time with a muslim shill.
I’ll just leave this here: