The Dems are following the plan because they are complicit.
The Dems are following the plan because they are complicit.
I already said I bet D&R pols are probably like lawyers, viciously attacking each other in court, having martinis and golf after.
Life isn’t binary.
Then seek solutions. Everyone has something of value to offer.
Maybe letting them have a bit of salmon skin wasn’t a great idea…
They are, but so are the ads at every stoplight. It’s funny the older I get how everything suddenly ends up on a spectrum that’s waaay too easy to slide in any direction.
Weakness is seeking to control others because it takes a lot of courage, strength and willpower to control our inner beasts/demons/worst impulses/insert your favorite term.
As in Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet. Sorry, I gotta move my butt. Have fun! Study the mystics, especially any flavor kabbalah!
I referred to the council of nicea. The Ethiopian in English is complete but with mistranslations. Tesla Tsela meaning rib or side, was translated by Greek and Roman translators as “rib (like a boat hull)” but there is plenty of rabbinical discussion whether atom was androgynous or hermaphrodite. The consensus is androgyne. But as the universe and God holds both yin and yang (masculine/feminine) energies, so do we. Find a positive pole without a negative one. And feminine is more like 0 in binary code. So nonbinary and gender fluid are entirely godly. Just maybe not when you’re trying to go from a small tribe to a nation (incomplete perspective). If we’re not evolving, we’re dead. And evolution means mutation.
I have to get going. Religiophilo is fun. We need more liberal arts studies. Stem is yang, lib art is yin. It takes both to be complete.
*Autocorrect is fun x_x
Angels were created as perfect servants who obey all commands without free will
Then why did Lucifer fall? You have to have the texts left out.
Angels were created of fire (stars) passion. Man of earth, matter. Yhwh told the angels to bow and worship man, they refused, thinking they were better (double slit experiment). And we’re still hung up on this lesson. We haven’t figured out how to do breathairisnism yet. And when we do, we will have to figure out how to breathe a substance that doesn’t contain microbes. Or you know, return to being stars.
“We are stardust, we are golden, we are billion year old carbon, and we’ve got to get ourselves back to the garden.”
You want stepford wives. I don’t and you don’t get to choose that for me.
The hero’s journey is exactly the point!
It is good. Challenges are meant to evolve us to our best possible selves.
If the kingdom of heaven is within us, where is the kingdom of hell? The tree of life, whether yggdrassil, abramic, or hermetic offers great insight, here.
At their core they use symbolism to teach the same things. You get to choose. Misunderstanding lessons is allowed. It’s Montessori style school.
Why? If we just knew, we’d be stepford wives or ai.
Being created little gods who die like men, our lesson is to solve certain things, at least amelioration of them. But all things die, and are born anew. A mutation that is helpful or harmful today may not have been so yesterday or tomorrow.
Is a hero a hero without a villain?
I’d wager you’ve been a hero to some people’s telling and not so much, to others’.
Every relationship is karmic, that is we learn.
Certainly? You have a better candidate? Baal? Molech? Satan, perhaps?
A rose by any other name…
Eta the flash on my device seemed activated when I clicked that link from search results. Pretty sure I didn’t accidentally do it myself, and there’s no photo I see on my device. But also I’m viewing this site in dark mode and search was b on w…