Ulysses S. Grant famously used precision deep-strike weapons to eliminate Vicksburg and Jackson instead of going down the Mississippi and taking them directly. Ukraine is right to imitate him.
Of course of course and you are correct. I’m just yappin’. This is the only dude I talk to basically.
I wish I knew how to tell bro he’s an idealist and has brain worms in real life person language. He says revolutionary governments should work to oppress the bourgeoisie, but if the vanguard party isn’t abolished/dissolved/weakened within a certain amount of time its “authoritarian”. I keep trying to address external pressures on these entities and what I feel like is a fundamental misunderstanding of the concept by him, but it’s to no avail.
I’ve always said that the vanguard party isn’t meant to organize some sort of higher brow tier of individual and separate them from some chafe, but to organize those with higher class and political consciousness into one group so that they might be ready when capitalism fails to solve converging crises.
I already have my orange tree seeds and a ticket to Alaska
Who the hell is BMF?
Well if you’d like to join in spite of that or watch feel free too. However, this game is very steep learning wise and you probably will die.
Good looking out, comrade, but anyone who wishes to play will not have to worry because I bought all of the DLC like a dumbass
I’m gonna just let folks duke it out
Hexbear Vic 3 game when?
40 years on and MS is still a shithole
He looks lonely :(
Ik. I wasn’t trying to shit on you. Just had to do an info dump rq
I’m dumb
Warthunder, sadly